2022 YLC: Daily Drum #1


FRONT PAGE: The background has images of palm tree leaves and pine trees. Text on top: “NAD YLC, meet us”. A group image of Team L by the YLC sign is centered. The text below the image: “A group of leaders standing behind a YLC sign in the woods signing the letter L. The L Team!” There is a YLC logo with text: “YLC ’22”. Text on the bottom: “Credits to Catalene, Elian and Lily.”

PAGE 2: There are individual images of Team L. Top row, L to R: Malia, Lily, Efrim, and Cody. Second row, L to R: Christian, Elian, Mia, and Kiernan. Third row, L to R: Seanna, Terell, Mepper, and Dalina. Fourth row, L to R: Emma, Muna, Catalene, and Cody. Last row: Bridget (Builder).

PAGE 3: Title: “Where Leaders Thrive! Our Experiences. Nature Catapult Made By Four New Teams!” Article: It was a sunny day on June 30. The Leaders met their new teams, split into four groups, which were called “LEAD.” They were given a first-team task from the Builders, Theo Conley, Grace Lester, and Lennette Butler. The first task was to build a catapult out of nature such as wooden sticks, dead grasses, and rocks! Leaders only had 30 minutes to complete the catapult. It was awkward at first with the Leaders’ new teammates, but they got along as they went on! For our final performance, one Leader from each team set up the catapult and pushed the lever, then the rock on one side flew upwards. Our rock landed 25 footsteps away! We cheered for our hard work setting up the catapult. By the end of the day, everyone enjoyed watching their creativity through the nature-made catapult. Written by Malia.

Title: “Team L’s Successful Streak in Camp Bowl” Article: Today marks our second day in YLC, but team L from “L”EAD, has a successful beginning! On the morning of July 1, 2022, YLC Builders set up an exciting competition called Camp Bowl. Each team from LEAD had to answer questions related to YLC or general trivia questions. Our team radiated nervous energy, but the excitement was there and we were ready! Our Builder in charge of this activity announced the first question and our team immediately huddled. Different answers flew around, and we quickly decided on one and sent one camper from our group to present our answer. Victory – we got it right! The next question came, then we discussed and answered. Again, we got it right! That streak lasted for the entire round, and Team L didn’t get any questions wrong. It was morning during Camp Bowl and our tiredness have yet to dissipate, but afterward, we felt even more awake! Stay tuned to see Team L become victorious throughout the month! Written by Dalina.