READ THE ISSUE HERE: https://issuu.com/nad1880/docs/a_team
FRONT PAGE: An aqua-colored with pixels scattered across the background. The header: “Daily Drum: Published by the Leaders of Youth Leadership Camp since 1969” is placed on top. Text: “Cyberspace”. In the center, there are 12 outlines of leaders with their names, resembling Zoom, with text: “LuWen Zachmann, Saul Pineda Orellana Jacqueline Albert, Ciara Luttrell, Gisella Visco, Tyler Cardoso, Olivia Collins, Caitlyn D’Angelo, Usman Ghani, Jarrod Burns, Jae Boynton, and Austin Baker.” YLC logo is placed below the graphic. A grey banner with text: “Page 2 – Debate, Page 3 – Exclusive Interview, Page 4 – Virtue of the Day. July 12, 2021, Vol 1 Issue 21, page 1”.
PAGE 2: Background continues to be pixels of aqua and grey. Header text: “YLC Debate” The article text: “Three Gallaudet students who were on the Debate Team, Claudia, Romel, and Nthabeleng, came to our Virtual Camp. The four teams of YLC: IViperfly, Insouts, Cyberspace and Hiraeth Quartz debated against each other on which social media was the best. The Social Media apps were Twitter (Cyberspace), Tiktok (Insouts), Facebook (Hierath Quartz) and Instagram (iViperfly). After our openings, rebuttals and closing, the winner of each categories were announced. The winner of opening was Tiktok (Insouts). The winner of rebuttal was Facebook (HiraEth Quartz). The winner of closing was Instagram (iViperfly). There are four icons of the social media apps next to the article: Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Text below: “Written by Jarrod Burns, July 12, 2021, Vol 1, Issue 21, page 2”
PAGE 3: Header text: “Jimel Brightly-Wright”. There is a close up photo of Jimel smiling. Article text: “Born in Jamaica,Raised in Illinois, Worked AT YLC since 2015, YLC Camp Director since 2018. Q: What appealed to you about being the YLC Director?
A: ‘Most appealing thing to me about being the YLC Director is being able to attend ylc every year and experience it as a new experience every time with new leaders and builders who inspire me. Seeing your growth and seeing YLC do what it was designed to do is amazing.’
Q: What professional achievement are you most proud of?
A: ‘The professional achievement I am most proud of, to be honest, is being a ylc director and working for ylc for 7 years. This is the longest job i’ve ever had. I am most proud of this job because it has taught me a lot and I’ve had the opportunity to work with so many people. I’ve seen more opportunities appear in my life and I look forward for more.’
Q: What are your biggest challenges at the moment in virtual YLC?
A: ‘Biggest challenge is being creative, especially through virtual. We want to make sure you all enjoy yourselves and at same time not meeting in zoom too much. We have to make sure the message we have to share has an impact on you and inspire y’all to make a difference. Doing that virtually is a challenge and we have to be creative in how we make that happen.’
Q: What do you look forward from us (leaders)?
A: ‘I look forward to your growth and seeing what you all do in your communities, Especially coming back to ylc as a builder! Honestly, I look forward to you all learning and applying what you’ve learned to the circumstances in your life and thriving at it. I hope we all can come full circle and connect again in the future someday so we all can keep learning from each other.’
Text below: “Written by Jackie Albert, July 12, 2021, Vol 1 Issue 21, page 3”
PAGE 4: Background of aqua and grey pixels. Header: “Virtue of the Day: Respect, Selfless Service & Honor” Article text: “July 10th, respect: It means an individual treats someone or a thing equally. July 11th, Selfless service: It means a performance or action without an assumption of receiving something from others. July 12th, Honor: It means to live up to your values and recognition of someone with respect. Written by Jackie Albert, July 12, 2021, vol 1 issue 21, page 4”
PAGE 5: Grey background with header text: “Meet the Crew”. There are photos under each category with text. Text: “Writers: Jarrod Burns and Jacqueline Albert, Designers: Jacqueline Albert, Caitlyn D’Angelo, and Usman Ghani, Editor in Chief and Assistant EIC: Ciara Luttrell, Tyler Cardoso, LuWen Zachmann, Editor: Saul Pineda Orellana and Olivia Collins.” Text on bottom: “July 12, 2021 vol 1 issue 12, page 5”