Webinar Materials
>> Okay. I can see everybody is starting to join us. I hope that everybody has had a great day. So we have 25 people with us so far. Before we get started, if you would like to use live captions for this presentation or live stream, you can click on the closed caption button or the live transcript button. That is below with the icons that shows the chat. One of those shows the closed caption icons. We also have two wonderful voice interpreters who will be providing voice interpretation. Hopefully they sound great for all of you. If you would like to just watch me in ASL and watch the PowerPoint, you can also follow the instructions that are shown on the PowerPoint here. There is an option to ‑‑ you will click on the video settings icon then you will choose hide non‑video participants. That way you won't have additional screens of those not showing their video taking up real estate on the screen. Hopefully those instructions are clear for all of you.
We have 28 people with us so far. I'm going to give folks just a little bit more time to read the instructions again on the PowerPoint. So again, that selection should be hide non‑video participants. I also invite you to use the chat feature to give a big hello to all of us to inspire the folks who are with us today. Feel free to send us a message and a big hello through the chat. We have someone from Delaware School for the Deaf. And hello Laura from West Virginia. Awesome!
Let's get those hellos coming through the chat. Hi, Jennifer!
Hello Nadine. Hi, Angel, hi, Jen, hi there Angel. Some Minnesota. Someone from Texas School for the Deaf. We have folks from Washington, D.C. Hello Aaron from Texas. Hi to Lauren, also from Texas. We have a lot of people from Texas here today. Hello from Mary from Colorado. And hello to JR from Arkansas, thanks for joining us. Hello to Michelle from Phoenix, Arizona. Again we have somebody from Texas, we have Angela joining us from Texas. Don't be shy. Feel free to join in on the chat. We have got someone else from Texas. We have got a lot of Texans here today. Welcome to all of you. Just so you know, we are currently recording this presentation. Looks like we are ready to get started. Inter I begin my presentation I would like to ask all of you to tell us how you decided to join today's webinar. I will wait a minute for folks to say why they joined today. Looks like we have a new NAD Jr. advisor with us. We have someone in the same situation. Another new NAD Jr. advisor. Welcome!
We're so excited to have you here. Looks like somebody has restarted their Jr. NAD chapter. Someone else said they would like to learn more. Someone wants to provide more support and learn more about Jr. NAD. Someone is asking for refreshers since they forgot a lot about this. Someone is asking for more information. They want to know more about Jr. NAD. Looks like somebody else said they want to know how to get young people hooked and get them engaged in joining NAD. And someone else said they wanted to be recharged. Excellent!
We're so glad to have you here. We have somebody from Nevada. Somebody from Nevada, you're setting up your first NAD so we're really looking forward to working with you in the State of Nevada. It looks like we have several people who are new Jr. NAD advisors, folks who want new information, people who want to get recharged, get some new energy. So this is one great way to connect to other Jr. NAD members. So if you decide to hold a Zoom meeting, then you can do exactly what we're doing today. You can welcome people through the chat. You can ask people why they decided to join the Jr. NAD webinar. This is one tool that you can use that I just did with you, in fact, and hopefully this has already gotten you hooked to this webinar tonight.
I am so thrilled to be putting on this webinar. This is the first advisory academy webinar that we are hosting today so this is for Jr. NAD members and other folks who are joining us. First I want to thank all of you. I particularly want to thank Riverside because they were the ones who most recently held the Jr. NAD conference back in March. So this was following the pandemic, people were scrambling, there were a lot of changes going on, new advisors were at a loss as to what to do. We came together and deliberated over Zoom. We had a number of different advisors, I'm sure some of you were there. In you remember the event, please type yes in the chat. We had some great dialogue. We really had really great energy and people were really hungry for more information. I see some people remember it. We had vibe rant event and ‑‑ we had a discussion with Chanel, who is the NAD youth programs director. We had the Jr. NAD national board, we had regions one through four come together and have a discussion and decided that the advisors academy hopefully should start to have monthly presentations about a number of different topics to provide resources and ideas and general inspiration about how to get people charged and excited about working with Jr. NAD. With this, we are starting at least this is high first presentation webinar and I welcome all of you. We are discussing how to get students hooked with being involved with Jr. NAD or any organization. My presentation will focus mostly on Jr. NAD because that's mostly been my focus and my experience, but of course it's going to apply to several organizations. You can use these ideas and apply them to your own organizations if they are different from Jr. NAD. Who's ready to get started?
Let's see some yeses in the chat. Awesome!
I see several yeses coming my way. Awesome!
Excellent. We are ready to begin. I really do need your energy because I am looking right now of a screen of myself and a PowerPoint. I see the interpreter's name at the top saying the interpreter is talking and that's all I see so I need inspiration in the chat to ensure me that you're here with me. I appreciate that. We are ready to move to the next slide. Hopefully you were able to, if needed, activate those captions. If you do need an audio interpreter, there's also an option to turn on your audio. With that, we can move forward. If you do see additional tiles on your screen, you can turn those off ‑‑ hopefully that will let you see the things on the screen a bit more clearly. Now to tell you who I am. My name is Daniel Girard. I work at the California School for the Deaf in Fremont. I have worked here since 2005. I did work at the Texas School for the Deaf for one year. I also worked at Gallaudet University for one year in their youth programs department and I have been here at CSD working since 2005. So a total of almost 17 years. What I do here at CSD is I work in school counseling or I did initially, and then I moved to career counseling. I also worked as a high school student support liaison. And I have a new job that I'll be getting next week. I'll be working in student engagement and leadership development as their coordinator for K12 program. This is a new transition for me, I'm really excited about it. I also am the Jr. NAD national board as the Region IV rep and I am a Jr. NAD advisor, I have been at Fremont and in the past I was the advisor for the Texas School for the Deaf. So I have worked in national conferences with Jr. NAD. And I would ask you, please to turn your cameras off if you just turned them on. I have worked at national conferences since 2005. I have worked as an advisor. I've given workshops and presentations all over the country. I've worked with several Deaf Youth coordinators. So I hope I can provide to you some of the wealth of experience that I have. I'm looking at the chat to make sure we're all caught up. Looks good. Okay. I'm here to connect with you this evening. I'm really looking forward to it. Next slide, please. I anticipate this will be about a 40 minute presentation. I know I can go on for quite a long time. I'm going to try to condense the information I have to share into 40 minutes and I will have 20 minutes for question‑and‑answer for whatever discussion you would like to share and hopefully you can provide this to your schools going forward. Next slide, please.
When I do my work with students and various student organizations, I'm always mindful of the various conferences and workshops and camps. Next slide. So I'm wondering, for those of you, could you put in the chat what do you think of the acronym WIN?
What does that mean to you?
Laura says is it possible to show two screens simultaneously?
I'm not really sure. I do see two screens. I mean, I see myself. Chanel, maybe you can give Laura some support?
Mary says maybe gallery view. Laura is saying only can see the presenter. Is everybody else able to see the PowerPoint?
Did it work?
Are you okay now?
Oh, wonderful!
Okay, we're all good!
Now, I did see in the chat WIN. W is for wanted, I is for important, N is for needed. Which means we want to make sure that the students will feel wanted, that they can say yes, you want me, that they feel important and needed. You need me to do this or to represent the school, those types of things. Next slide. Next slide. Okay. We're waiting for the next slide. Go back. Okay. So when we work with students we always have to think about how they're feeling. Do they feel wanted?
Do they feel important?
Do they feel needed at their various campuses?
When I'm at work I always consider these things and hope that all feel this way. Next slide.
Now, how can we get the students interested in your organization?
Perhaps the recruitment part is the most difficult because I know I've experienced it before and students will say, well, for what?
Why should I?
I would rather play games. I would rather hang out with my friends. I would rather just chill and do nothing. I always have to try to encourage them and obviously I wasn't doing something right. So it took me some time to kind of tweak things and figure out the way I could hook them. So basically it's studying the student, getting to know what it is that they like. In my presentation, I'll share what I did to help get them interested. Next slide. Really, I'll say with an organization, you know, there's usually president, Vice President, advocate and treasurer. That's very traditional. However, I'm different. That, for me, was a good bye. And I feel like it was not the best approach for my students. Now, maybe some schools would like to keep it, and that's fine, but for our school, it just wasn't working. They had SBG, president, Vice President, secretary and that's the same old same old. I wanted Jr. NAD to be different. I wanted it to be exclusive. That's one of the things that I changed, as far as the officers and for Jr. NAD we did away with them. Be different!
Like I said, be different. Think of how some schools have SBG and Jr. NAD but some don't. How do you separate the two?
Keep SBG school focused and Jr. NAD focused on something else. How do we do that?
Next slide. Be engaging. Yes, I see someone said in the chat that was your biggest thing. What is engaging?
Michelle, go ahead. Be engaging, wanting students to be visible on campus. That was my vision, to have students be seen. The school wanted the students to be the representatives, to be the ambassadors for that school. And I will explain more about that a little bit later. Next slide.
Are we ready to get started?
Next. Now, at the beginning of the school year, my presentation here is going to contain in‑person and virtual, because sometimes when it's in person, it's all well and good but other times you may have meetings you can't, you can offer a meeting on Zoom. They can connect from home, from the dormatories or the cottages. They can't use the concept of oh, well, I can't do it in person as an excuse, so we offer them choices. Next slide.
Next slide. Very good. So this is how I got started with the Jr. NAD for the year. Typically I will have membership sign ups. Now, if the students are struggling with signing up members, maybe we can host a pizza lunch and have a gathering to invite everyone. And when you invite people, they may not know the purpose of that pizza party, but they get the invitation. Once they're there, then you can share about Jr. NAD or your organization and have a PowerPoint and everything ready to go. So the PowerPoint that I have for you today is going to be showing you what I've done for my first meeting, just to get some way to organize the students, have them all in the same place, and sometimes it does involve food. Hi, would you mind turning your cameras off. Thank you. Sometimes it involves food. That's kind of a selling point and I know for Fremont, it's always food because our cafeteria, well, it wasn't exactly the students ' favorite type of food. So when you offer something new and different, oh yeah, they're likely to show up. So that was one of my big secrets. Now, during the meeting, I would tell them, hey, this organization is yours, so you make this happen. I'm just here to offer you support. And the students are usually pretty puzzled by that. Then I break it down into three different groups. Now, one group will be focused on one topic, another group would be focused on a different topic and the third another. The first may talk about fundraising, the second group about community service and then the other could talk about different events in general or just to have any idea to discuss. Give them each 15 minutes. I tell them 15 minutes and that's it. So they have their discussions and each of them may have 10 ideas, that's great. By that 15 minutes you just have us vote for the top three from each group. Each group will select a leader to present their group's ideas. They will come to the front of the room and say this is number one. Group two and group three will come up and present. In 15 minutes we've come up with nine ideas. And then after that, we have further discussion about which areas you want to do. Some may support one idea over another and then people can sign up for them.
So within the 15 minutes I have nine ideas created by the students. So this is a wonderful example. Say if you're in a Zoom meeting, you can use the breakout rooms. You have them go into the rooms. The process is exactly the same. You set the 15‑minute timer. In chat you let them know, five‑minute warning, and then they all come back to the main room. The same process happens. They each give their presentations. They each come up with three of their favorite ideas and go from there. Next slide. Now, those three different ideas, this is something that happened before at Fremont. We linked up with Riverside because our students were very, very excited to do something out of the box. Yes, doing the same old same old at Fremont was quite boring at some point. So about 2017, 2018 we did reach out to Riverside to see if they wanted to work jointly for a leadership retreat. And that's where it became almost an annual. Of course, COVID came and messed that up. But we did a retreat, which was so amazing. If there's something that you can come up with at your school, say maybe on the East coast, maybe a school can connect with another and do one kind of an event together. That's one suggestion to draw members into participating. Now, with Riverside and Fremont, they did the retreat. It was divided into five groups and each group came up with all the ideas and we finally identified one top idea from each group. Then we had the five top action plans from each of their schools. This was the list that you see here of the five ideas. You'll see what we did on the next slide.
We in fact did an ASL celebration parade. It was led by our students in Sacramento. These are our student leaders right here in the photo. Next. ASL, we with Jr. NAD and the ASL classes worked together for Deaf education and ASL being very important, so that was our message.
This is our group photo in front of the Capitol. And the kids were able to meet those who worked in the Capitol, very different people, and it was a wonderful experience for them. I tell you, this was something different. That's what I'm talking about being different. We went to the Capitol. The kids skipped school for a good reason. They were able to go to the Capitol, have a day off from school, so to speak, and go to the Capitol to have the ASL celebration, which we worked in partnership with NorCal, who tends to do a celebration every other year. Another successful event was a 5K run walk. It was near our school at a lake and this is our flyer. Students learned to collaborate with other organizations. Jr. NAD worked with another organization, which was exciting because, again, it wasn't the same thing all over again.
So we have Jr. NAD, we had different people from different groups working together. And this is the large group photo after the event was done. The third idea was to have the students ‑‑ I mean, staff and admin usually come up and talk to the students, but we thought why not the students have a panel and do guides of special events and select the students to do the work?
So we have been doing that ever since. Now our outreach department tends to look out to me to say we need these students, I will select the students and send them over. From there they can represent the school the way that yours can do for yours. Next. So these are the tours for the open house event. And we had union representation to come and look at our school. They had a discussion with our student leaders.
And this is our CDE California Department of Education head, Tony Thurmand who came and visited and met with our ambassador as well. My point is the students feel important and needed. That's what I'm really working on continuously finding ideas to keep the students in that space to feel wanted and needed. And I do that by putting them in the front lines. Let them be the leaders.
Now of course with the pandemic, things changed. I'm going to just briefly talk about that. So group one selected the topic of spreading knowledge. We did successfully do two out of the three. Next. Group two thought about how to make communities better. And out of the three ideas we did complete two. We did one kind of halfway. Group three, their goal was how to create access. We did one and a half out of the three, which was still very good.
And during the retreat, we are always encouraging things to be very visual. We have postits and we have questions and students use the Post‑It to come up with ideas. We had a meeting two or three weeks ago and we had questions all over the place. It's all around the use and students can use that to support their organization throughout the year. Of course, this was just one question, sharing what were their goals for the school year as a leader and came up with a ton of posts. Then by the end of the day we developed a PowerPoint and put the ideas together. And at the end of the day, there's about 7 different student organizations that give a final presentation. One of the presentations was from the Asian/Pacific Islander club. They were here talking about what their plans were for the year. They were looking to paint a mural on one of our building's walls and they were ready to fund raise, come up with a design. That was a different idea to have something that's going to be with us for a very long time. So they did work with our artistic class, the alumni who had an amazing artist who worked together with them this year. Next slide.
Students are the ones who plan the events. That's key. We are just there to support them. Annoy, if they need support, maybe we could hire somebody who might have expertise with event planing to give a workshop and students use the tools that they learn to create.
So since we're having students plan events, when they plan the events, they're also doing the work which means they develop PowerPoints, they will make flyers, they're the ones hosting the events whether in person or via Zoom. They are developing checklists. And I will give you examples of these types of materials in just a moment. Next slide, please.
So unfortunately this video is not available. Chanel will be sending out this PowerPoint after the webinar so you'll be able to watch the video. We did hold a Black Lives Matter event. There is a video that discusses some of the planning for that webinar. It was held during the pandemic. That was one event that we held. We also hosted a new student gathering for new students that was held via Zoom. Two students led that event. They also made the flyers themselves.
Now, for the incoming freshmen, we held a high school 101 class for freshmen and their families via Zoom to get to know more about the Jr. NAD members and to meet some of them. One of the goals was to have a community giving event. So we aligned that with some of the ‑‑ we worked with the Black Lives Matter Association and with the Asia Pacific Islander event as well. Unfortunately, I can't show you this video but we will send the PowerPoint after the webinar. Students edited the videos and sent it out to the community and used money from the website by providing a link for donations. Students also held fundraisers. I know Jr. NAD has been a great tool for that. One such event was the steps for Deaf Youth. Students developed their flyers. 1500 was the goal and they used footsteps as the status for the progress for the fundraising. The more footprints led to the goal, eventually reaching the $1,500 goal so we did meet that luckily.
And then this flyer shows some of the results that were calculated after the event. So steps and some of the other fundraisers, the student leaders created all of this. I had no involvement with this. This was entirely student led. Of course, we're there for support but this was a really tremendous event that students held on their own. I can't see how many people were involved but there were a number of people for the walk and the number of steps, it was a wonderful event. I think I was in third place. I can't remember correctly. This was a T‑shirt campaign where a T‑shirt was designed. Students designed a logo and sold T‑shirts. We wanted to do something different and unique to make students excited and proud about the work they were doing. Again, this was entirely student organized and they were able to raise money by the T‑shirt sales. There's a video you can watch later with students advertising the T‑shirts and the logos. Now, our biggest achievement which we will continue to do going forward is inviting guest speakers. We did have speakers fly in. I think it is important to pay an honorarium fee. We saved money by having speakers talk about different topics. These students reached out to speakers on their own. They set a date and time for the webinar and developed flyers and sent out invitations to the community to invite people to join the webinar. They hosted the event via Zoom on their own. They welcomed the presenters, had the webinar and closed with a group picture. In the next slide you'll see a number of guest speakers, the titles and who they are and the topic and the group pictures.
This is a list of what to keep in mind if you are inviting a guest speaker to work with your students. This is something we'll send out later. Layla was a speaker who talked about voting. Maureen includes za came as a speaker to talk about side jobs as a freelancer and why this type of work is so important. That's a group picture there. Clare Cassady talked about her photography experience and the title was failing forward, how to make success out of a failure. And then Julie Rehm seminario presented to students to discuss social justice and why this was so important. Next slide, please. This next topic was about being part of the solution and taking action. Ren ca Dunn was the guest presenter and she talked about how to recharge ourselves, how to feel invigorated and feel energized to start making change in our communities. Melissa also presented a discussion on feminism. Wawa was one of our guest speakers. This was really cool. We actually had to pay him. This was done through his agent but he talked about his experience. It really made students feel really excited and good about themselves that he actually accepted and was willing to talk about his discussion. He talked about being a Black person and it was really exciting for students and they felt really great about the workshop that they put on.
We had a lot of viewers of Alex ab enChu Chan who joined us to talk about following your passion. Students were really thrilled he was able to provide a workshop to students. This next presentation was about the importance of mental health, how to maintain your mental health, which is of course a very important issue for all of us. This was a really great workshop.
Then another way to engage with students is to hold annual events. That way students are aware of upcoming events that happen on a yearly basis and are aware they should join. We'll talk a bit more about that in our next slides. So NFO or new family orientation is really exciting for students and families. We do have a sign up for that and I assisted in organizing that event. We also had the student Leadership Summit. We call that the Talon Leadership Summit. Students are able to miss School for the Entire day to attend this retreat. This is one of the hooks we had, to invite students to attend and watch presenters we have met have a cooking portion and other presentations for students. We alternate between the Riverside and Fremont campuses. We have some battles that we put on between schools. This allowed students to go to different school campuses to get out of Fremont to go to Riverside campus. We also have the national Deaf Youth day where we provided students with mock interviews where they're able to meet with several different employers. We booked the entire day so students do not attend school during that day and they're in mock interviews the entire day. They're able to dress up for those and they have a great time. We do have a conference, a Jr. NAD conference. So students are able to attend that. We interview for those conferences. In order to attend the conference, you do have to be a Jr. NAD member. We do have also emcees for the scholarship ceremony program. We also have graduation events and the emcees actually lead that program. We have Jr. NAD scholarships for our seniors. And our junior Jr. NAD members present on stage. That really gives students the sense of involvement that they're representing a community, that they're able to stand on stage. It really gives students something to look forward to and a goal to work for. This is an example of such an event that really makes students excited about what's to come. Next slide, please. I mentioned our student leaders put on the new family orientation recently. This is a picture of that. You can see here the T‑shirts we were wearing. Eagles are the school mascot. So we have Eg led. This is an opportunity for students to do something creative to get excited. If you give students the opportunity to give back, we were able to give something to students and students were able to give back to the school. This is one example of that. Next slide, please. I mentioned the Jr. NAD leadership retreat which alternates between the Riverside and the Fremont campuses. We will have that in December at the Riverside campuses. We have a number of games and challenges for students. Students develop their own flyers. They also have a group picture of both Riverside and Fremont classes. We have guest speakers that join us that will get us on the Riverside campus. And then the leadership retreat I actually recently just found out ‑‑ I have been hosting the leadership retreat over the years. A student reached out to me and asked me to please not plan the retreat. They told me that the students really wanted to plan that, that the students should be able to say what they want, who they want to come present, what types of food are provided, what the schedules should be, when the breaks should take place, what types of activities, whether they do bowling and the students want to do that on their own. Students set up a retreat committee and they told me exactly what they wanted. We basically told them to do what they will. Of course, we had school approval for all the activities and events during the retreat. In this case students were really appreciative to be able to organize the treat, then it was their retreat, not saying we were organizing it for them.
National Deaf Youth day is on March 6. This is something that maybe you can keep in mind that you could do some sort of event or help mock interviews for students. There also is a T‑shirt day event for different camps and organizations that share their T‑shirts and logos on March 6. We have a newsletter we send out to compile the information from the various deaf youth day events. We held mock interviews. This is a picture of some of the events that we are going to share with you, some of the mock interviews. Now, virtual mock interviews still did bring a number of students, although it was a somewhat smaller number. And YLC, youth leadership camp, or any other camp for that matter is something where students can really get engaged. We encourage students to get involved with camp. YLC is a group we especially try to get involved with the Jr. NAD events. This was a trip that we took back in July to Oregon. This is a group picture that was taken after some of the events. Just had some of these events. These are recent pictures. We ask you to spotlight your students a number of different ways as much as you can. So you can spotlight students during meetings, during school events, on social media, in newsletters, in the Jr. NAD mag. We can do it through student ambassadors or on stage. We encourage you to spotlight students, that students feel a sense of pride and they feel good about what they're doing. In Jr. NAD mag we did showcase one of our students named Myles. Then we also had during one of our scholarship ceremonies, we had two student emcees who took part in the event. In 2020 we had a virtual video that was edited and created by students. Students recorded the video and uploaded it to the CSD website. You can see the entire scholarship ceremony on our website. We will be sure to share that with you later. The Fred Turk scholarship is something we raised money for on our own. We had a presenter for that scholarship ceremony as well. And then recently in June, we had another scholarship ceremony in which we had emcees, two emcees, for our entire program. During the pandemic we spotlighted some of our students. We chose just three of them to present to share some of their accomplishments. Their families were also able to join us and families were also able to share comments and remarks. It was really touching and brought tears to everybody's eyes. We have photos from that. When Chanel shares this PowerPoint, you'll be able to see more of the animations in this PowerPoint. It's really an emotional event. You can also read some more information and more details and, again, Chanel will be sure to share this after the presentation. You can also watch the video there. In the video we have students summarizing everything we did in one year. They compiled and edited an entire video, showcasing some of the events during the year. This is a really great tool to use to recruit cohorts for the following years. So after the first meeting, we talked about what we had done in the past year. When students are seeing everything we accomplished the year before, students get excited. Again, these are student led presentations and it gets students excited about what we're doing. We do that on a yearly basis and add always to what we have been doing over the years and students feel really excited to see examples of themselves three years ago or years before to see what they've done. It's a really, really touching moment. Next slide, please. so just to recap in a presentation we do that at the end of the year and we just showcase everything that we've done for the year 22/23 we'll be holding in probably May or June and we'll recap everything we were involved in. We will show our flyers and videos and pictures and everything involved as well as acknowledging the seniors and making it very special for them. We do invite their families if at all possible. It was a lot easier with Zoom but in person it's more difficult. It was just very touching. I share the PowerPoint with the family. I show gratitude. Then we will reuse that again for our recruitment meeting. That's another idea where we get together to think of ways to entice other people to join us. We do use the NAD youth website which is here. It's YOUTH. They can click on that. The students can play with the website and find out more and more about the program. It's a great website to use.
So I hope I hooked you and now you're ready to hook your students!
I've gone a little bit over time, but it's at 45ish so maybe we have 15 minutes and we'll open it up for Q&A and hopefully I can answer your questions and I'll do my best to do so. Whenever you're ready. You can go ahead and put your face up on screen and videos so I can see you and ask your question. Hmmm, how do I see my friends?
Oh, okay!
>> Hi there.
>> One at a time. Very good.
>> Sorry, I'm eating and typing.
>> Oh, you can eat. That's allowed.
>> Thanks, I appreciate it. My question is about mainstream teachers for the Deaf.
>> Uh‑huh.
>> I know that some students may be interested but they may use more oral communication. So I guess my question is, will there be some divisiveness between signing and oral students?
How does that normally work?
Is NAD more of a sign focused organization, is it Deaf with a capital D, you know what I'm saying?
I'm thinking there is a sense of Deaf pride in the oral community but they are not necessarily fluent in sign language yet so I was not sure exactly when to start because there are a lot of students that we work with who take hour long bus rides or live far, far away, live in different parts of the area. Is that clear?
>> What school are you from?
>> From wither Ford in Texas, near Fort Worth, the Dallas area.
>> Are all students coming to your school in the same place?
>> We have 30 different districts that come to our school.
>> Oh, okay. Can they meet in person or something through Zoom?
>> It's in person. We could do Zoom but it might be a challenge because of the commute, I don't know. We could do something before school, that's something to consider. They come in person for school.
>> Well, I think one way to maybe figure it out is would this be the first time or have you had previous meetings in the past?
>> We haven't had meetings before. We've tried but it hasn't been successful. We've reached out but never heard back from people. We're thinking that finally we have Zoom as an option, and we think people are excited but we are not how that's going to go.
>> Well, what I would suggest is start out asking students what they want and ask for a wish list from them. Say hey, 22/23 school year, what is your wish list. Ask them!
I think if you get their wish list you're going to see some common thread or at least some level of interest. Then you can figure out what to do from what their wishes are. That can help entice them not just in the Jr. NAD but in any organization. Start with a wish list and use that as your guideline to your next steps.
>> Okay. So you don't have a president or any sort of officer positions or system?
>> Oh, no.
>> Okay. So everyone is on the same level. That's cool. I like that.
>> Oh, yes. No problem.
>> Thanks.
>> Next. Oh, very good. Hello. I sure do see you.
>> Hey, Daniel, I remember you from years back.
>> Yes!
Nice to see you.
>> I'm at Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. I have been a long time sponsor with my colleague and then my colleague has stopped. So now we have a new sponsor who works with us so we have not been working with Jr. NAD over the past few years, we focus mainly on SPG. We don't have a lot of student leadership so we have been focused on building a strong high school cohort of students. Now we're thinking of Jr. NAD. And I know generally you said they weren't the same types of officers or some of the same positions. We have a small student body. Usually it's the same students involved in the same organizations, but if we have a class rep, maybe organizations, other sports and stuff, we don't have dorms on campus. For events we could do a Zoom meeting but in some cases students don't necessarily have the money to have laptops at home. What's the best approach for our situation?
>> Yeah, we are experiencing the same problem. With SBG we're always telling them that it is school‑focused, school concerns, how to make the school better for students. That's the SBG experience. For Jr. NAD we're about the community, inviting speakers, bringing information to the school, doing community service, fun events, student‑led retreats. So it's more external, like wanting to fix the bathrooms or the water fountains or cafeteria food, that's all SBG. We do keep it very separated. So I want to propose that in your school, if at all possible, to have one big dismissal from school and plan a retreat. And invite your students. So there will be no school on Wednesday all day. Then you can ask the students what it is that they would want for the retreat and they will tell you what they want, what type of food they want. And see if the school will sponsor it or find some other way. Have an all‑day event and use that retreat as your key for planning the school year.
>> Yeah, and I'm thinking most of our students don't know about who the community members are, they wouldn't know which type of guest speakers to invite. Can staff members encourage them to provide them with certain names or should it really be student led to find their own research. Is that the best approach, in your opinion?
>> Well, try the research first. Elicit their opinions. Who do you admire?
Who would you like to see?
Maybe the staff could be a first selection and then maybe ask, hey, could it be somebody else that you might be interested in. Just plant the seed. The kids, I think, are going to do the work. They will pick up what you might give them. If somebody's great at making flyers, have them do it. I would say we do a lot of coaching. And some students always say I can't make a flyer. I say fine, it doesn't have to be you but who do you know who could do it. Well, I have a friend. Well, ask your friend. And then that friend gets that sense of pride and investment and they will be involved in planning events. They want to see those kinds of things happen.
>> Okay. That's good. I'll think more about it. Thanks, Daniel.
>> Very good. We are going to be wrapping up in about five‑minute so we'll go to the next question. Are there any further questions?
Okay. Hi!
>> Hi. I have a question.
>> Yes, Lindsey. Where are you from?
>> From Minnesota.
>> Oh, is it cold?
>> Yeah, it's starting to get cold.
>> Oh, I bet.
>> Fall is coming. I'm excited. Not winter yet, but yeah, it's cold. So I don't work with students. I work with the school district though. I work at NAD C Minnesota association for Deaf citizens. I'm a Member At‑Large. So we are implementing a youth program and I'm one of the Chair people for that. Yeah, I'm really excited.
So this program is new for MADC, so we're just starting to send out flyers and to get people to participate and join our committee. We haven't gotten a lot of response. So how can we maybe get more participation or promote our association more, because it is outside of school. Now, Minnesota does have a Deaf school, a campus, in the south of the state. There is also a day school where there are many hard of hearing or D/HH programs all over the Twin Cities area. Can you think of any suggestions, any tips how to get more membership, more people to join us?
>> I'm not sure if this is the right answer, but have you gone to the schools and met them?
>> No, we have not.
>> That is a good place to start, because flyers, nope, they just get bombarded with things. We have flyers and the students just walk past them. Emails, the students do not read, so forget about all that. Go to them. Go to the schools, join their lunches, ask for a special meeting with the students, introduce yourself. I think it's one step at a time. Go to the different campuses, meet with the kids, and then from there you'll be able to figure out what to do next. That's my best answer: Go to them.
>> Okay. Great. Thank you.
>> Very good. I want to check with Chanel. Oh, hi, next question. And who might you be?
I see Nadine. All right, where are you from.
>> I'm Nadine from Philadelphia.
>> Philadelphia!
Oh, cheese stakes, are they delicious?
>> From Pennsylvania School for the Deaf.
>> I'm talking about your cheese stakes.
>> You know, the steak sandwiches, Philadelphia cheesesteaks.
>> Go on with your question, please.
>> I liked what you mentioned before about being different and standing out. So our school is different.
>> Uh‑huh.
>> So I'm new to student engagement and just the concept of running meetings. I know a lot of our students are also new to this and we are not exactly sure how to work with them. Should we teach them how to run a meeting using more formal protocol, like turn taking, like rule of orders kind of protocol?
How would that work for you?
>> To be honest with you, in my honest opinion, I don't. The students would get bored with that. They're just like, oh, come on, come on. Our meetings are quick, to the point, but you also have to introduce the ‑‑ what's the right word?
Oh, I see Chanel is typing saying the next webinar will talk about that. So this one was focused on one topic, but my quick and dirty answer is to just set up the groups, get their ideas, 15 minutes, they talk, pop three, and then we decide okay, who's going to do this, this and this. And the students just like to keep moving. They want to keep working. When you're having your meetings, when one person is speaking and the other students are just in the audience, I try to keep the students active, I try to keep them engaged throughout, and that's been my approach.
>> Awesome!
That's good for me. Thank you.
>> Well, seems that's the last question. I'm going to let Chanel have the floor for a minute and wrap up.
>> Chanel: Thank you so very much, Daniel. Oh, my goodness, so fortunate to have you.
>> I'm lucky to have them too.
>> You both benefit. So I want to thank you so very much for all of your wonderful ideas and interests with all of the Jr. NAD new advisors here. I know they have got their sleeves rolled up, ready to kick off their new year. I'm so excited to work with so many of the chapters that are coming up. Now, before we close out tonight, I want to say ‑‑ I wish we had more time to chitchat and socialize but we always run out of time.
>> I wish we had five hours!
>> I tell you what, it's about maybe trying to do this once a month and with this new Jr. NAD webinar series on campus, the intention is for Jr. NAD advisors to be able to learn from each other, to benefit from sharing tips and tools and resources, so that we can better invest in the Deaf Youth that we're working with. Our next webinar is in October on October 26 at 7:30 p.m. The topic is going to be how to run an effective meeting, like the question that was just asked from Nadine. That will be answered in our next webinar in depth. So you have got to remember, it's not one size fits all. Every school, every chapter has their own way of doing things, their strategies to make things work. In our next webinar we'll get in depth in that. It will be presented from Dominic Harrison and Joshua sherling, both of which are NAD advisors for the Mexico School for the Deaf. I hope everybody is having a wonderful night. Thank you so much for joining.
>> So Chanel, if you wouldn't mind please sending out that PowerPoint and do keep an eye out because sit down with your favorite beverage, check out some of the videos, and then I also can share with you my work email. If anyone would like to, you can reach out to me. We can meet via videophone or 508 to chat more. I want to make sure your chapters can be successful in your schools. One last thing. I would like all of you to share in the chat one thing you learned from today's webinar in one word or so. Seeing some of the things they learned. WIN. Somebody says invigorating, be different. I like that one. Someone said new concepts. Different and best ways to engage students. Getting more student involvement. Awesome. A lot of people are saying be different and think different, for sure. I know sometimes approaches don't work as much so it's nice to change things up and get Knighted about doing something different. Thinking outside the box. Energizing and engaging students for sure. Okay. Well, thank you to everybody for joining us and for sharing the information. And thanks for your participation in the chat. I appreciate all of you. Thanks, Chanel for having me.
>> Thank you thank you thank you.
Want to start a Jr. NAD chapter but not sure where to start? Or have a Jr. NAD chapter but need students to join? Join this webinar with Daniel Girard, one of the Jr. NAD Advisors at the California School for the Deaf Fremont and learn tips on how to get students hooked with Jr. NAD! This webinar is open to all Jr. NAD Advisors and anyone who is interested in establishing a Jr. NAD chapter.
- DATE: Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 7-8 PM EST
- No CEUs will be offered for this webinar
- This is a free webinar that requires registration.
Chanel Bonheyo, a Maryland native, is passionate about youth leadership. Chanel received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with minors in Writing and Graphic Design from Gallaudet University and holds a Masters’ degree in Project Management and concentration in Leadership from Northeastern University. Chanel is the current Director of Youth Programs at the National Association of the Deaf. She has participated in several of NAD youth programs personally and professionally. In her leisure time, Chanel and her husband, Ryan, enjoy new parents for their son, Cooper, and spending time with their husky pups, Coco and Ace.
Daniel J. Girard has been a very active member of the Deaf community since he moved to the Bay Area in 2005. His greatest passion has always been in Deaf Youth since his college days by working at Deaf camps and being the advisor for the Peer Advisor Program and the Jr. NAD organization. He is currently on the National Jr. NAD team as the Region IV representative. Daniel has long been passionate about giving back to Deaf organizations by volunteering his time by serving on the board, being involved in various committees, coordinating projects and events, providing leadership workshops, attending to Deaf youth related conferences and entertaining audiences as a dynamic emcee. He is currently employed as the Student Engagement & Leadership Development Coordinator at the California School for the Deaf (CSD) where he has been an employee for seventeen years. He received his BA in Psychology at California State University, Northridge and MA in School Counseling and Guidance at Gallaudet University. Daniel is thrilled and honored to be part of this exciting webinar to share ideas on how to "hook" our today's Deaf Youth to become engaged with leadership organization and volunteering opportunities.
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