Linsay Darnall Jr., a long-time advisor of Nebraska – Iowa’s Metro Jr. NAD chapter, is kicking off the first Jr. NAD Advisors Academy series of 2023! If you’re unsure how involved you should be as a Jr. NAD Advisor, this is for you! Linsay Jr. will share what to expect as a Jr. NAD Advisor, tasks and duties, and what this really means for you. This webinar will cover insights on what a Jr. NAD advisor’s role is and how they can be a good role model for our deaf youth!
PowerPoint Slides
Book Recommendations
- The Road to Character by David Brooks
- Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven
- Good to Great by Jim Collins
- Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
>> We are very excited to have our very first junior NAD webinar of 2023. We want to get your thoughts on your goals for the new year and perhaps one of your goals for the new year is to become a role model or be an adviser. How can you do that? Linsay Darnall will be our speaker for tonight and will expand on that thought.
Before we begin, I want to remind all of you that we do have captioning if you need. We do have audio interpretation available as well. So you can turn on ‑‑ which you can see in the chat. The www.Streamtext. That link is available. Linsay, the floor is yours.
>> Thank you, Chanel.
Hello, everyone. Happy new year to all of you. First I would like to thank Chanel for the opportunity to share this presentation with all of you tonight. I was ‑‑ a member of junior NAD back in high school and fast forward to 2005 here in Nebraska, Omaha specifically where I’m from, the main school. There were no Deaf schools unfortunately at the time. They did have a junior NAD opportunity fortunately so I was a member from 2005 onward, and as an adviser I have been participating in junior NAD events and I have participated in NAD at a national level and the Board and various roles. So I was the Board member at NAD state chapter for Nebraska, and I was part of the advisory council as well.
I get a strong sense from my experience as well as knowledge in our abilities, our natural innate abilities that if we utilize these the right way then we can influence others. We can affect them at various levels and various degrees of influence as well. So I’m very excited to be able to share my knowledge and experience with all of you tonight.
The format tonight will not be in a presentation style. I will have questions that I will pose to the audience and those prompt questions will hopefully get all of you to engage in conversations and to have any questions I will give opportunity and I will check in and get a sense of where everyone is in the room. So this will be an organic and engaging experience for all of you, and this will be a bit of a free form chat and hopefully you have some takeaways that you can benefit and we can engage in a conversation and a dialogue. And I look forward to having this discussion. We will move forward to the next slide, please.
Before I move on to the content,I wonder if anyone here have thoughts on bylaws. There are actually two bylaws that I noticed refer to junior NAD and one is the article 4 that has to do with chapters. And I have a strong sense that we will need to mention that because that will impact you as potential junior NAD delegates and advisers. So we will talk a little bit more down the road on purpose and that article specifically, but I do want to mention this article on chapters initially.
So each chapter is supposed to have at least two advisers. Just FYI, that’s something to know. Oftentimes there are chapters that have the luxury of having more than two. Some chapters in those areas that are possibly remote only have one unfortunately, but that is something to know.
So there are two discussion points I would like to refer to regarding purpose, and we will reach that discussion in a moment. Next slide, please.
Here is the article III I was referring to on purpose and I will give you a moment to read that.
So there are two driving forces behind purpose. A, to empower. And that will also encourage those to collaborate. Collaboration is very important. You need to collaborate within the community and there are various systems to collaborate with. The school systems and the like. And when you have partnerships and those collaborations, you can gain so much traction and having a teamwork and being able to accomplish some of the goals you are trying to reach. That is really the impetus for empowerment, to empower students. That is a main purpose of the bylaws. Secondly, to provide. To provide the schools and the communities with development. So empowerment is more focused on your internal development, whereas the B part, which is to provide, is an external entity from those in your community and the like.
So if you notice there is a person that has a wealth of something. We will expand on that thought. There are three things regarding with education. Let’s call them three Rs of education, reading, writing, arithmetics. Frank Turk who has been a part of junior NAD since, well, first of all, when was junior NAD founded? Actually 1964 and the first national conference took place in 1968. And frank Turk was involved from the mid‑ to late 60s onward. In 1969, the youth leadership council was founded and Frank Turk was a founding member. And through Frank Turk studies and dissertation, there are actually three Rs but Frank Turk added a fourth R. And that has been in place for more than 50 years. Frank Turk has been presenting on this fourth R which should be instilled into Deaf children and their being. What is that fourth R? Take a look at the next slide.
Resourcefulness. Language deprivation has been for quite sometime the buzz word in and around the community. There is a lot of discussions surrounding language deprivation. As a third time delegate myself, we were involved in a conversation with CEASD and administrators and educator and Deaf schools and programs regarding language deprivation. CEASD did have a conference and NAD has had a conference and other organizations have gathered regarding language deprivation and that has been a topic that has been discussed. There is one actual possible response to that that would help address that language deprivation. Resilience. And resourcefulness.
Through my own leadership and experience and studies and readings, I have encouraged students to be more resourceful and to really incorporate that into their being. So the ‑‑ that begs the question, what kind of resources are they? And how can we provide those resources. How do we do that? That’s a discussion that I want to pose to all of you.
As adviser myself you will see me sign it this way. But that signs is similar to another sign, influence, which means I need to internalize some of these points and then I can take these points and influence or advise others outwardly in the community. If I have the skill and the knowledge and the ability incorporated into my very being which is a prerequisite to my advising or influencing.
So a group discussion for all of you, the prompt question I would like to pose is how do we become more resourceful? Share your thoughts.
I will be monitoring the participant window if you would like to raise your hand feel free.
Anyone want to start off the conversation, how do we become resourceful? Any thoughts?
All right, just trying to take a look at the chat here. I don’t see anyone raising their hand.
>> Chanel: I do see messages in the chat.
>> Oh, I need to jump over and take a look at that. Okay, I was looking at the raised hand feature. I do see the chat and it says community ‑‑ object, so the first one list is asking for suggestions from the community, from the school community.
Another comment, community awareness. That’s a good one.
Utilizing technology for web researches or web searches.
I see Daniel wants to come up and make a comment. Come on up, Daniel. Hello there!
>> Hello, how are you?
>> Good, and you?
>> Great. I was pondering your question, I work here in Fremont and I have been for 16 years and there are two ways that I myself have become resourceful. I need to know every area of my school. Many students don’t know where things are and I need to know my school as a whole. I also need to know the community. In the Bay Area specifically there are various ways to make connections at a national level as well. I will give you one example.
There is a student that may want to meet with you after the presentation, for example, do they know that I know you? So if they did, then I could be able to facilitate or be a liaison for that connection. So those are two ways that I thought of.
>> Linsay: Beautiful, thank you for sharing. Exactly what Daniel had mentioned ties perfectly into my presentation today. And also looking at the other comments in the chat, community, asking questions, community awareness. Utilizing technology. Gathering all of the information and utilizing that to support our students and become resourceful.
I have my own thoughts about how you can become resourceful, but through the years as I have been involved in different organizations and activities and I’ve seen many examples of being resourceful and how that we can take that to the community and to our schools to thrive.
>> Nebraska Commission for the Deaf of hard and hearing.
>> Here we have taken this to Nebraska, on the national level, I think the last time was 2017 and we will be having this year and we sponsored a fundraiser with the deaf and hard‑of‑hearing Commission and we asked the Board and they are willing to support so we got everything. I got there and we had our Board meeting, and they wanted me to go ahead and present. So we got all of the sponsorship that we needed for the conference and everything worked out. So that’s an example of bringing someone in, connecting them to a resource and I was able to present at the conference. Without that connection and without that network, then I probably wouldn’t be able to be there. That’s one example.
So we were also to give another presentation from another individual to come as well. And we were able to gather up our community and our networks and I also knew someone who worked at the Commission and got their master degree. I knew them from the community. We got our degrees together and that was another opportunity to be resourceful and sharing information.
Let’s go to the next slide.
So here is some ideas of how one can be resourceful. And as Daniel mentioned, being aware of his Deaf school about what’s going on there, what are the different areas. So then if a student asks, you are ready to provide that information because you know that knowledge. You have the resources on campus. And so I think information is related to what exactly rights, policies, information. So there are many information you can share back to your students and have it ready to provide to your students.
A second example: Tools. So how to do something. For example, if a student doesn’t like their uniforms, how can they file a complaint or address the issue with their principal? And finally people. Who? Who do you know? Who has that resource? Who has that knowledge that goes back to networking and using people you know to bring in that information.
So you may not know the answer to their question, but you may know an organization or an individual who can provide the answer. You may know someone with that skill and share that information and start the introduction with the students.
Even as adults, as we are NAD advisers, we must still continue to learn. We have that open and positive attitude to be curious and be open to taking new information. Because that will continue to open up doors for us and for our students as well.
Your attitude must be curious. And if you share that attitude and share that knowledge with your students, they will take on that as well and will be part of their behavior. I know some folks don’t like to read and that might be very difficult for students so how can you also change that and influence them to become readers or to read more? There may be many challenges for our students or many barriers we may face and so how do we work together to bring in different resources and bring in different tools to face those challenges? I think it’s very important to be curious. Number one is to be curious.
Just want to do a check‑in, any questions so far? Anyone? Okay, seems there are no questions. Just giving a last look.
One example this past weekend I went to Kansas. There is a Board meeting I was in attendance. So all of the members went to Kansas and I was very lucky because Kansas business three hours away from me so I just drove and we also did a tour of Kansas school for the Deaf and met the President as well. I was explaining about one case, an IEP case, about this particular family who had this child who was six and sent their child to Iowa school for the Deaf. Or they wanted to send them to Iowa school for the Deaf. They were currently at an elementary school, but unfortunately they were getting pushback and they weren’t able to send that child to Iowa school for the Deaf. They had felt that the environment wouldn’t be a good fit for them and they sent them to a more restrictive environment.
So they wanted to advocate for the child to go to a Deaf school so they brought in a lawyer for that particular case. Particular law IEDA is what they ‑‑ IDEA is what they were using to fight that case ‑‑
>> LRE, least restrictive environment.
They didn’t know there was a particular resource that talk about special education. It was a purple resource, this purple book. And we were very fortunate that we talked about this case because then the gentleman gave me the book right here, and I had no idea that this resource existed.
So in relation to LRE and this case, I was able to take this resource and study it and read all about it to bring in for this case and provide the information that we needed to fight back. That led to more questions and more discussions for us to figure out the best option for the student. I was able to bring this resource to the group and ask them, do you know what LRE means? Do you know how we can use this? How this can be restricting and they had no idea and I was able to explain more about what that meant. This is another example, me going to a conference, getting sharing some struggles I was going through to bring resources back to my community that goes back to resourcefulness and how we can support each other and if there is a gap in information or different tools or different people that we have not yet met, if we just share what we need, we can get the information that we need.
Let’s move on to the next slide.
For our group discussion number two, we talked about resourcefulness and how that is very critical. Now moving forward to what does it mean to be a role model? I would love to hear from you all and what you think what a role model, what it means to be a role model.
Does anyone want to chime in and address this prompt? What is a role model and what does it mean to you? Johanna, please turn your video on and share. Right now I don’t see your video. I see a black screen. Would you perhaps be able to try again?
I see a comment in the chat from Mary Hicks, give students someone to look up to. Another comment I see is from Nadine, Nadine states that since I want students to take on leadership roles I try to model that during meetings. Asking questions, encouraging students to participate. Yes! Absolutely.
So those comments are right on par with what I was prompting all of you. Role models need to think, that is a critical skill. That is something that we are lacking. We need to start thinking critically so resourcefulness is a key element, but you also need to be a role model and to do that you need to start thinking. Role models need to know how to ask questions so that was perfect.
Yes, set an example for the students, I see noted here in the chat.
I see the comment from Johanna, I understand your camera is not working.
Aaron, please
>> Hello, Linsay, great to see you again.
>> Good to see you as well.
>> Aaron: I have some ideas. So for our YLC, we make sure to emphasize that we aren’t here to teach you everything and we might not have all of the answers, but once you are engaged and once you really tart to be involved, you can be successful like we are. I think that involvement is really important. So we, you know, try not to tell them all of the answers and they may forget, but once they are involved and take that leadership role, we see them learning and we see them becoming successful and being able to fly. So I see that a lot in the work that we do here. And I feel like that’s what a role model should be.
>> Linsay: Yes, definitely. Lead by example, to use a famous quote. And that’s a perfect example of that. It’s an old adage, but that speaks ‑‑ that dovetails nicely with what you were speaking to.
I remember when I was involved and I was engaged, and when you are engaged and you elicit the engagement and they internalize what you learned that speaks to what you were saying. Unfortunately Johanna’s camera is not working, so we will have to move to the next person. Nadine.
>> Nadine: Hello, sorry, it’s a bit cold in here so I’m wrapped up.
So one of the challenges specifically for role modeling, having dual roles, if I’m a counselor, their adviser, plus their teacher, I’m holding many different hats at the same time. So having to juggle that can be very difficult. I don’t want to say something in this role that causes them to see me as a teacher when I’m trying to be their adviser. So trying to find a balance. But also just having that respect and role modeling what that looks like in the classroom and then as I’m an adviser, too, using those skills.
>> Linsay: Absolutely. If any of you have had that same experience that are here in junior NAD with dual roles and wearing multiple hats, then you can understand where Nadine is coming from.
Frank Turk had often said that we don’t talk to our youth. We talk with our youth. The key word “with.” I can see that resonate with the comments that you just made. That perfectly aligns with what Frank Turk has mentioned which aligns with the bylaws.
To empower. And power through partnership. And often I share with many that the youth are not stupid. They are genuine. They are wonderful beautiful people that are genuine and I really appreciate you sharing your comments, Nadine.
I see another comment in the chat. It’s a little hard to read because I have the light shining in my eyes. It’s important for you to feel safe and to connect to someone to resources, yes.
So if you feel safe with an individual, then that way you’re going to be more comfortable in asking questions and that person can be a role model, absolutely. The day when they stop asking a person for advising, then that person stops becoming a leader. So if that person was a leader, they need to do some self‑reflection and wonder why am I not getting asked any more questions? Why am I not being posed any questions from anyone? Then they have to reflect and wonder if they are actually trust worthy, are persons comfortable approaching them and asking them questions. They really have to do some self‑reflection on that.
Any further comments?
So being a role model has been covered. I have my own thoughts. I am happy to share my own thoughts in this next slide which is character. Character refers to two things: Values, which is what you stand for, what you really cherish is important to you. Secondly, action. If your action align with those values and you put into practice what you value, then that person has a strong character. Oftentimes that word is thrown about quite loosely and when persons call someone as having great character, then they have values and action.
I will give a doctor as an example a doctor might give you a checkup and advise you on certain prescriptions you need to take and certain diet you need to have. But then on break you might go and light up a cigarette. Interesting. So now if the person had a value of health, then they should put that into practice. If they did, then they wouldn’t have those bad habits and therefore they would have better character. You can measure someone’s character based on their action and their actions are going to reflect what their values are and what the values they have internalized.
Now that begs the question, what are our values? Values, there are various values out there. I can have my own values. Values that are in the church setting. I can have values with friends. I can have values at work. I can have my goals for the community, the Deaf community specifically. And I have to really align my actions with those values. Then I have my personal values. My personal values I really inculcate into everything I do, and then that is on display and it’s easy for anyone to see my actions and to see that I am actually practicing what I preach. So that means that I need to do some serious self‑reflection and question what are my values. If my values are a good fit. If not, what’s the next step?
That leads to another discussion. EI, emotional intelligence which I have a whole other workshop on that and I won’t delve into that now but that’s a good way we can take a look in the mirror and reflect on ourselves and not point the finger outward to others. So we need to understand ourselves as people where we stand and what we value and then others can see us and our character based on our values and the actions we have to support the values.
What are junior NAD’s values? Take a look at the next slide. Next slide, please. YLC has these three values. So you see these three values here, scholarship, leadership, citizenship. SLC. That is the values that you need to use to influence others through taking on various roles in leadership and then of course citizenship which is service. Serving others. Putting others ahead of ourselves.
Oftentime I will tell people to think of others and you have heard that be selfless in your service. Serve others and put yourself second. At the same time you have to be mindful of self‑care, absolutely. We have to learn where to balance being selfless and self care. That’s citizenship. Citizenship is when a person of the mind set to serve others and others are ahead of self. We will rise when we elevate others. And that is something that I often will present on, buildership. And we need to build others up. That concept is really reflected here in citizenship and overall the three NAD values which is scholarship, leadership and citizenship. Those three values when applied will give you good character. Which will lead to strong role models, which means you need to have values in addition to action to show good character. Let me check my time. I think we are doing good on time.
So all of the various comments I saw in the chat which is having someone to look up to, having someone that you feel comfortable approaching and asking questions and eliciting information from. That is really a good template that we can use to emulate.
I remember growing up having various role models that I looked up to. So some of you may view me as a little bit of a role model for yourselves, however, I have become the person who stands before you from all of the role models that preceded me. From their character and I have taken a little bit from all of my role models. Being a role model is a huge responsibility. We know that. So it’s important to have someone that you can emulate and then once you incorporate values that you see that you want to also have, you can be emulated so you have to think about the what, the how, and the who.
For me, I read. I am a book worm and I read so many books and try to really delve into other person’s opinions from various leaders I look up to. Either administrators. For example, administration for the deaf and hard‑of‑hearing. Superintendents in various positions. I will ask them if you make a mistake, what kind of process do you undertake to improve upon the mistake that you made.
Some will say, well, what kind of question should I ask during a time of crises? How would you do such and such. These questions that I ask will help me understand this person, and I have picked so many brains from so many various persons and in various positions. So again I emphasize to you, be curious. I have a plethora of books over in my other room here and this is one here. If you get up in the morning and you make your bed, that’s one item off of your check list that would make you feel accomplished. So that’s one tip from that book.
Here is another book. Good to be great. Good to great, excuse me. It’s a business book but there are still some lessons in there that are applicable which is what people did in order to really take off and be effective in their perspective role. What tools were given in order for them to really achieve their initiatives?
I see someone asking in the chat if I can type the names of the books there. That will be a little bit of a juggling act for me but I will show you the book here on the video. The road to character is one.
There is a list of books. There are some that are even ‑‑ may seem a bit off topic and skewed from what we are discussing now, but here is one example. Born brilliant. May seem like an odd book but here is a cover page. How spacing out can unlock your perspective.
Are you most productive self.
I just started reading this and the back cover was interesting. I have taken so many tips that have ‑‑ I’ve internalize and have become my values and I continued to work on those things that I have internalized.
So I would like to continue the conversation about bylaws and mention this article about membership. There was a point where we talked about getting rid of membership fees and also not having state associations. And I wanted to revisit the bylaws because these are part of the requirements for the NAD advisers. And they should be NAD members as well. And we see that this is very important that you are involved as the member of the junior NAD state association and the NAD.
So make sure to follow‑up and check that you are involved in all three. It’s important that you stay connected to your state association junior NAD and NAD. And I know folks may think that all three are not required, but from the bylaw here they are and they are very important. Make sure to check if you are membership lapse to ensure that you continue having all connections to all three
So point being if you are to be an NAD adviser.
If you were an adviser in the 70s and 80s back when there was Frank Turk and Gary Olson in the 70s and 80s time period, if you had gone to a conference and were able to meet them, you would see that when they would ask you, who are those state ‑‑ memberships of the junior NAD and the state associations.
>> Nancy Kelly is a retired teacher from the Illinois school for the Deaf but was an adviser of junior NAD for almost 40 years. And she had told me that they were yelling at the members and telling them to make sure that they are involved and make sure that they are registered for all three. So I encourage you all to make sure that you are members and that you are connected. Show your character. Have your value and make sure you are doing that and I challenge you all to ensure that you are.
I see Mary doing a shout out to NKJ, definitely feel the same. Love to her.
So for those books, I will tend them to Chanel and she will e‑mail the name of the books after the webinar. So I’m going to show them really quickly. Make your bed. Good to great. And the road to character.
I have ‑‑ a long list of great books I could recommend
The ‑‑ is by Patrick.
I love that book. It talks how to set a meeting with intention and how to ensure that you run your meeting’ time effectively. And this could be used for companies and non‑profits as well. It was a really great book and I also recommend it as well. Again, I want to say to be curious and continue to have that.
All right, we are actually good on time and this leads to my final words. And so as the bylaws demonstrate, you are to empower and to provide as an adviser. And you are all role models. And so again I say to empower and to provide as is demonstrated in the bylaws. Continue to be resourceful, to network and to provide the students the how, the when and the who. And it’s very critical to have that great attitude and make sure that aligns with your values as well.
So that is it for my presentation. We will look for any questions that you may have. We will send maybe the last four to five minutes opening up to questions and answering before I pass it along to Chanel.
Any questions?
>> Joanna, is your camera working?
>> I see a question that says can you go back to scholarship and explain that? That was under values? All right, did you want me to re‑explain that or did you have a specific question, Mary? In terms of scholarship. I can go ahead and explain that again.
So we were under the values which is the slide up now so the scholarship leadership and citizenship, SLC. Scholarship is very critical. And it’s really applicable to being curious. And they all tie together. And I feel like scholarship can be related to academics, how you value academic and academia. Does that help? All right.
Any thoughts? Any questions? Daniel?
>> Daniel: I would like to add to this discussion which may be helpful. We actually do add a junior NAD scholarship to graduation for the graduates. And in that reflecting those three values. So we hope that they can get leadership and through scholarship they can really thrive.
>> Linsay: Is that from the school funds or fund raised ‑‑ funds or fund raised? How is that scholarship based? How do you decide who receives the scholarship.
>> It’s actually through junior NAD and through fundraising and NAD votes and agrees to the amount to give to the seniors. I haven’t followed the criteria I believe the criteria is SLC. Scholarship, leadership and citizenship. And then there is a scholarship committee that meets.
>> Linsay: Who is on that committee?
>> Daniel: The high school principal. The student life administrator. The director of instruction. And dean of student life and the superintendent. And then the career counselor. Get together as a team and make that decision.
>> Linsay: That’s beautiful seeing LAC value apply especially in terms of the scholarship and sending that fund to a student who reserves it. Thank you so much for sharing, Daniel.
Anyone else would like to have the floor to make any comments or questions? If not, I can go ahead and close my presentation. So as advisers, I again want to employ you to be resourceful. And have that sense of where you are in that journey, where you are in the world. And what’s your position, your positionality. How can you become more aware of your actions and how they may impact an individual or the community. And what that looks like to be a role model. And also have a clear vision where you want to go and how you want to grow so that you have a path to follow. And also think about your own character and your influence with your work with the students. And some of you may have already seen past members or past role models and see them achieve and that can be in many different ways and they have many different paths and there is no judgment on which path you take. It’s a journey within itself and we see that different journeys whether it’s going to graduation or becoming a President of an organization or an agency. And we could also see it, someone just starting as simple as working at a food store and making their way up into a management position. And there is no judgment of what ‑‑ where they end up but there is so much success they can work towards. And again, be curious, and continue to think, continue to be open. It’s important to also be mindful.
What’s in a current state and how we move forward.
Thank you so much. I will pass it over to Chanel.
>> Channel: Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and inspiration. I trust that the junior NAD advisers that are intended tonight are ready to make a positive influence to our current junior NAD members. Thank you so much, Linsay.
>> Linsay: It’s my pleasure. Thank you all have a good night.
>> Chanel: I would like to add a few things before we conclude.
I would like to launch a poll and ask those in attendance how YLC and junior NAD programs can solicit information. Typically we have been sending e‑mail blasts but we have blind copied the advisers because we weren’t sure if the advisers would like to share their e‑mail addresses or would prefer to keep that private. We would like to poll you advisers and see if you would like to be CC’d on e‑mails and see each other’s e‑mail addresses and be able to communicate that way through the e‑mail thread? Or would you prefer to be blind copied? And would like to just simply respond to me, Chanel. There is no right or wrong answer so please cast your vote in the poll.
So again your choices are to be CC’d, which is choice number one. CC’d to everyone, or choice two, BCC’d, which is blind copied and that would keep your e‑mail private. Some would rather not have their contact information shared, some are okay with having their contact information shared. I would like to get a good sense where all of you are. And here are the results.
Some of you have asked about the books that were shown by Linsay and the slides as well. I will actually share the PowerPoint and this webinar is being recorded and that will be uploaded to Jr. NAD’s portal. You can watch the webinar at any time. If you forgot a discussion point, you can review this video and you can find that information also in previous webinars as well here on the screen that I’m going to share.
So this is the youth website. If you have never been to this website, it’s youth.NAD.org. You will click at Jr. NAD at the top and that will bring you to this page.
So when you click on Jr. NAD, a menu will pop up and at the very top there is a link to the Jr. NAD portal. Click on that and it is password protected so only you advisers and you that are part of the affiliate chapters can log in. The pass w is jrnad2022. That portal is restricted access. All of you can access this web page. All previous webinars are here. And I will give you an example of one.
There is a webinar as you can see here along with the transcript and slides. You can access these materials any time year‑round. I can also send you the link again and I want to remind you have the portal available and those webinars in that portal is accessible at any time.
I see Courtney saying, is it case sensitive? It’s all lower case jrnad2022, all lower case.
The next webinar will be on February 8, and the topic is ‑‑ we are going to have a guest. M. Barron will come and talk to the attendees about Jr. NAD advisers being inclusive and creating a safe space for all students. And how they can ‑‑ how can you all be prepared? I would like Jr. NAD advisers prior to that workshop to fill out the survey which I sent out to everyone a few days ago. I can re‑send that. I would like all of you to fill out the survey and try to know recurring themes you see in your chapters and any topics that continue to be brought up in any theme so we can call on future presenters at future NAD webinars. Keep doing the great work that you do and thank you so much.
So long, everyone!
- DATE: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 @ 8 pm ET
- No CEUs will be offered for this webinar
- This is a free webinar that requires registration.