>> Hello, everybody and good afternoon and good evening.
Thank you for joining us for today’s webinar. I’m Chanel. The director of youth programming at NAD and I’m thrilled to have another junior NAD adviser academy series session. Tonight’s topic is on fundraising, how to put the fun in fundraising.
I want to remind everybody that we do have captions available. You can turn on the CC button and there is also a separate link in the chat if you want to open the StreamText. We also have voice interpretation happening if you want to turn up your volume.
This webinar is recorded so as a reminder, please keep your videos off and your mics muted until the presenter invites participation at which point you can raise your hand and turn your camera or use the chat to contribute your thoughts. We want this to be interactive as possible.
Well, let’s get our evening started with Erica Hossler and Jeanette Zarembk. They are both from the California school for the Deaf in Riverside, the floor is yours.
>> Hello!
>> Hi, everybody.
>> Erica: Nice to see all of your names. I see some names that I recognize and some folks I haven’t met yet. My name is Erica Hossler. I am a junior NAD adviser. This is now my 11th year doing that which is amazing. Time flies. I was also on the junior NAD national Board as the media coordinator and my term has just concluded. I delegated that over to someone else and my colleague ‑‑
>> Jeanette: I’m Jeanette Zarembk. I have been a NAD adviser since 2003 so it’s almost 20 years have been doing this and I’m really happy you can join us to learn how we can serve our students even better specifically with fundraising ideas. I hope you feel you benefited from tonight’s webinar. And.
>> Erica: And a fun fact about me and JT is that we met through the youth leadership camp, YLC. She was staff and now we work as advisers together. Over ten years now we have been a team.
>> Jeanette: Let me add another fun fact that chanel was also with me during her junior NAD days. Time does fly and you see that it creates a close knit community and we are happy to be here.
>> Erica: Next slide, please.
I know that everybody knows about this topic but I think it’s a perfect opportunity to really dive into it and talk about fundraising. Trainings, workshops, all of that stuff is important but tonight we are just talking about fundraising. If you had experienced successes or things didn’t go off as well as you would like. You can use the chat or turn on your camera if you want to share. Tell us what you have done with your chapter. We are all ears.
>> Jeanette: And you have to start your video if you want to do it via signing or use the chat and Chanel says don’t be shy. I really want to know about your events because this is a perfect opportunity for us to share some fresh ideas with each other.
>> Jeanette: Nadine has written, Nadine writes, this was our very first year doing fundraising. We did a candy jar raffle. Count candies. And Nadine, you tell us which chapter you are from. Which school?
Ah, PSD. Okay. Great. And ‑‑
>> Erica: Let me give you my name sign and Jeanette’s so you know when we talk to each other. When you say count the candies game, people had to guess and was it successful in terms of a fundraiser? Did you raise a lot of money doing it? And I do see also Dan Girard has written in that successful fundraising was during the pandemic and there was a virtual 5K. We can talk about that for sure. That’s a good point.
>> Jeanette: Did you get a lot of money? I wasn’t sure so that’s interesting to know.
>> Erica: Let’s go back to ‑‑
>> Nadine, I’m sorry about that coming up on camera and turning it off. I can go back to chat, that’s better.
>> Erica: Michelle, would you like to say something?
>> Michelle: Phoenix school for the Deaf. So I’ve been supporting two groups for quite awhile. And we were struggling a bit so I actually contacted Chanel to help us out. We’ve kind of been on and off, but so far we haven’t done too much. We were thinking about a blood drive, but I’m excited to be here today. So I can learn more but I’m hoping that we will start off with the blood drive in the spring, but I’m trying ‑‑ how can we make this virtual? So I’m excited to see what you will present today. Maybe a 5K. Maybe do that virtually.
>> Thanks for sharing, Nadine.
>> I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened to all of the tech. We first started for fundraising at our school. I mean, we started with a big community day. We had over 200 people show up. It was raining that day so it was a messy day, but we ‑‑ you know, didn’t earn too much because of the rainy day, but I’m thinking we could have earned a lot if it wasn’t raining that day. I guess it was still successful. We had a lot of people show up. We tried.
>> Yup, yup, definitely.
Erica: Every dollar counts, right?
>> That’s true.
>> Erica: Thank you for sharing. So I want to thank Michelle for their comments about the blood drive and wondering how that might work. We would love to know after you give it a shot. I think there are other people in the chat.
>> Heather: I can wait if you want to address the chat first?
>> Erica: I see a chat from Karla. Wisconsin school for the Deaf. Junior NAD did on‑line fundraiser with the companies. There are a couple of websites that give you ideas what to do and how to do it.
>> Heather: So we actually just did a blood drive two or three weeks ago and it actually went really well. And we saved 170 lives because of the blood drive. It wasn’t really connected to a fund raising event per se but more so getting out into the community. So what we did was if you donated at least four times during your fourth year you would actually get a prize. So there were some incentive there.
>> Jeanette: We will have a bizarre and so we are thinking about that for funding. For an opportunity, but we will see what we can do.
>> Jeanette: So it’s community service your blood drive?
>> That’s correct. It wasn’t to raise funds but more to get out into the community and do community service.
>> Thank you for sharing and good luck with the bazaar.
>> I see Jonathan’s chat. Writes hello from Alaska. The Alaska state school for the Deaf. I’m a new teacher to the program so I have yet to figure out how to encourage students to fundraise. Hopefully tonight you will get a lot of good ideas.
Then Dan said that they could come up on video. Dan, do you want to do that?
>> Dan: Hello! So during the pandemic, we actually had a goal to raise $1,500 and here is our flier from that event. You can see there is kind of the teeter mark of going up and see how much we are raiding to raise ‑‑ raising up and instead of the steps to reach our goal we were doing steps. So every time we got closer to our goal, the steps would become red because we are nearing our goal and we did have more of how many steps can you walk. So that was something to do during the pandemic.
The prize was a T‑shirt for the first place winners. And then we also did gift cards so we would handle that through e‑mail which made that very easy to do during the pandemic. So we had different amounts for the gift cards that we gave out. And would it that based on teams and who won for the fundraising.
>> That’s excellent. That’s good to check out those gift card companies and not aware of all of them but that’s a neat idea.
>> Erica: Montana school for the Deaf and blind, we used to sell mini cookbooks and there is an on‑line link in the chat. Yes, I remember we actually did that as well and that’s a good idea. Yeah, definitely. And then moving right along we have a message, other ideas like a car wash, a bake sale. We used to do car washes. It was very popular but because of the drought in California we are no longer able to make use of that kind of a fundraiser. Yup, a bake sale. Sure. Do you want to go ahead and turn on your camera?
>> Courtney: Hello. So we actually partnered with the restaurant to do a pizza night and we have been doing that for quite awhile and that was hosted monthly. So actually was a student at that time and then I became an adviser. I stepped out for quite awhile and then they were really wanting more support so I joined again. So I feel like my ideas are a little bit old school so I’m ready for new ideas. For the pizza collaboration we would get 20% for that evening. So that is something that we have been doing but I see the students aren’t really involved. It’s been set up for quite awhile. I would really love more ideas how to get the students more active and more hand ‑‑ active and more hands on. I used to be more involved in junior NAD ‑‑ Oh, we did a car wash, but, you know, because we don’t have a drought here so we are able to do that. But it definitely depends where you live but we are also looking for new ideas, too.
>> Jeanette: Thank you for sharing.
The next comment comes from Mary from the Delaware school for the Deaf. Mary writes a lot of fundraising at our school so there is competition between groups. Junior class, senior class, junior NAD, wondering if that happens at other schools and I will answer ‑‑ do you want to talk about that Erica. So I will say yes, absolutely. As many clubs or different categorizations happen in the school there are competitions for fundraising. Activities, we have a high school coordinator who oversees all of the clubs and organizations and if there is an event then they make sure that they don’t get duplicated or that one group has too many like at homecoming you are not allowed to sell at the same time or the same thins. So Kim Davis is the person who basically oversees the entire campus and makes sure that it works out fairly and I think that helps us out. It feels like everybody is getting kind of a turn at the fundraising trough, so to speak.
>> Erica: We can do a survey through all of the classes and then figure out who is doing what. It can be just a really great idea to understand kind of what’s happening on your campus. Surveys are great ways to collect that information.
>> Jeanette: Are we ready to move on? I think we should move on to the next slide.
I see another comment from Karla similar to the Wisconsin school for the Deaf. Wisconsin school for the Deaf we had a fundraising calendar and each organization can do two fundraisers per semester.
So that kind of balances out more since that system is in place. So that’s another idea to consider. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for all of your ideas. I feel like we learned a lot about with a other schools are doing. Let’s go to the next slide.
>> Erica: The goal today is to talk about two things to discuss the purpose and the goal of fundraising so Daniel had also mentioned and shared his flyer and talking about what the goal would be for the fundraiser showing the steps of to reach the goal. And the second goal would be ‑‑
>> Jeanette: Met me add, definitely. This purpose connects with ‑‑ actually, I see something in the chat from Michelle and it says I’m one that oversees fundraisers at my school so I make sure no one overlaps. We do note one class is more motivated to fundraise than others. Definitely. That can be a challenge in how you can motivate students to work together. And I think it’s really motivating them to set up a goal. Maybe we want to get T‑shirts. Maybe want to take a field trip and visit another campus. Or go to YLC youth camp. So creating an incentive might encourage students to really start fundraising more. I think considering a goal is really important.
>> Michelle: Yeah, the issue about people coming together, the organizations, the classes, there are times that have already been let’s say reserved for certain meetings so we don’t know where we can shoe horn in a junior NAD meeting because there are other commitments that the students have. No dorm. There are sports after school. So it’s ‑‑ time is at a premium so we actually have to start at the fundamentals again building the chapter, building junior NAD and I think the school recognizes junior NAD but we are kind of basically back to square one in terms of getting people involved and building in the brand recognition and being able to have times for the meetings.
>> Erica: Definitely can see that being a challenge. That’s the hardest part, especially as an adviser. How to make everyone get together and start the discussion. We tend to meet at night from 6:00 to 7:00. We feel that we are not really productive during the day and the morning, but we feel like once a month in the evening we can gather together and also depending when to host your event it really depends on your campus and your community.
Back to the purpose for today, so discussing the purpose and the goal of the fundraising and then also helping us become more visible through fundraising. So the community knows that there is a junior NAD and it’s still active. And I feel like if we are not as visible that folks won’t see that we are here. They will think that we may not be running or we may not have a large group so I think that’s really important for our visibility. Visibility is really important and I think that it allows students to show that they can be involved and that they can be leaders. And I think it’s something that sticks with them even when they leave and start their own careers so I think this is really important.
Let’s go to the next slide.
>> Jeanette: This is perfect. We just mentioned this already. In relation to the goals of fundraising. Especially with going on a retreat or a field trip that might be a great incentive for the students.
>> Erica: Definitely for the youth leadership camps that might be an opportunity and we definitely need a lot of funds to send students to go to camp.
>> Jeanette: And I think it’s another cool idea is to talk about how students can design the shirts that they can fundraise for too, as well.
>> Erica: And also during our meeting day we all use the shirts that we fundraise before and we have gotten and we try to make them to be very poppy and very loud. I think I might have an example here. And we actually become more visible on campus, too, because students will see a group of us getting together with the shirts and they are like, I really want to join. And really depends on the size of your school but you can really attract more students to be involved with the shirts as well.
Moving on to the next slide. So learning homes. I feel like this is the best part. And allows us to develop relationships with our students. We can teach them different skill, like how to plan and what are the next steps to planning and what are the steps? What does it look like when getting things approved and when they don’t get approved how do we change that. And then also how to work together and how to pay.
So we usually have that be on the student adviser’s role filling out the forms, and we don’t want that ‑‑ we want the students to be involved. We want them to learn how to do the process as well. Because maybe you have to work with your school and you have to go to a different department and so you can work with the students of filling out the forms in that process so you can allow them to take the lead and you can also create different committees and that allows the students to get out of their comfort zone and really gain leadership skills. So it’s a really great learning moment.
>> Jeanette: So talking about committees, so you can have one person focusing on the finances and I remember when we were in junior NAD it was really overwhelming. But I really felt I learned a lot when I got to work with the math teacher on campus and I really enjoyed learning the steps. And I also learned how to book rooms and how to set up on campus and how to really prepare for the event.
And I’m noticing the students really want to be able to do more fundraising opportunities when they learn this process and really learn how to be involved. So it’s really strategic. It’s not something that we want them to lean on us for. We want them to be involved and really work together to make it happen.
>> Erica: You can also invite the dorm staff to be involved, too since they are more there in the evenings so they can be part of the planning as well so you can have one person on staff and a dorm staff working together with the students.
>> Jeanette: I want to suggest that families are playing an important role, too. They are excited to see their childs have a leadership position and that’s an important resource to pull in.
>> Erica: This is one of my favorite events 67 it’s a community event and we did a spaghetti dinner. So we had the dinner. And we opened it up to the community so family, children, parents, and it was $5 a plate. And during the dinner we had an R‑auction and an ASL showcase. And we also would be alive event or we could create videos that we would show during the event. And it was a lot of fun and we raised a lot of money. Because we also had the parents and the staff donate the spaghetti and donate drinks and refreshments. We asked our cook, we had a culinary program on campus or we would reach out to the dormitory staff to support as well. And then we can also ask different teachers to help collect art from the students and ask the community to donate art as well for the auction. It was a really great opportunity to teach a students with a an auction is and how to bid and how do you win. Anything else to add, Jeanette?
>> Jeanette. There is a lot students have to learn and all of the things that have to be accomplished in order to have such an event ‑‑ successful event. We had to unfortunately stop it because of COVID, but it will come back because it is one of the best community events that we run and the community misses being together. The families, they are a little bit tired of their kids being home all the time and to see their kid on a stage it’s a wonderful thing. Families bring children and we charged family ‑‑ it was $5 or less?
>> Eight dollars per person and $5 for children under it years old.
>> They don’t have to cook that night and it’s a fun event and it’s been very successful for us.
>> Erica: I want to add that it was really popular because we had a great kind of commercial advertisement. We showed the art. And we also explained more about the event. And we also kind of made a lot of fun. We filmed the students eating spaghetti and it really brought a lot of people to the event. So it really depends how you market you fundraising event as well. That’s really critical. And now it’s social media it can get out there really quickly. So I think it’s really important to create a video and some sort of advertisement and marketing ‑‑ really attract people to come to the event.
>> Which is another skill our students can learn.
>> Definitely. So yes, here is another idea. We wanted to share. So this was a junior NAD youth day. And a Riverside STEM day. So this event was a little bit different but it can definitely be an opportunity for fundraising. So the morning portion of the day we had different activities. For STEM, and then in the evening we did more group activities. So what we did at CSD Riverside we invited other programs, mainstream programs and other students in the area to come join us so we had around 60 students from schools in the area so we allowed us to create team building activities ‑‑ sorry about that. I’m a bit tired today. But yeah, we had building activities and allow the students to work together. For this we didn’t raise funds but you could probably charge per student to make this a possible fundraising event. And that would allow you to get food for the students who come and then you can kind of figure it out from there. It might be a margin that you do gain from hosting an event like that. And the students did enjoy it because they got to meet other students and got to do a lot of STEM activities.
>> Jeanette: Just that opportunity for them to tomorrow together‑‑ come together, whether it’s a retreat or a conference, it’s critical for students to experience running those types of activities. At our school we are fortunate because we do have fundraising for the conference that happened in 2011, the junior NAD conference. And then we kind of ‑‑ there was some issue that happened and we had to step forward to take on the next year and we asked for sponsorship and local businesses and companies to donate things and it was incredibly helpful and it made it possible to send kids to other conferences and pay fees from those sponsorship opportunities.
So we have to really think about why we are earning money and it’s not ‑‑ we are earning money for the organization but we are also investing in our students learning these kinds of skills and with this kind of support. Some of you may be came out for the junior NAD conference that was virtual this year and that was quite different. We didn’t have a lot of money. Can’t charge that much money per person if it was virtual. So it was $25 per school but that does add up. And so there was a bit of profits being made there. But then we forgot that T‑shirts cost money. We gave a T‑shirt to every participant but in the end we actually still profited because we had so many sponsors. So we were able to get the T‑shirts but not go into the red because of the sponsorship packages and that’s really crucial and that’s a wonderful lesson for students to learn about working with communities, collaborating with local companies and getting those sponsorships.
>> Erica: Definitely. Let’s go to the next slide.
We actually were inspired by Riverside school ‑‑ Fremont school for the Deaf and once we saw that they did this, we were like, we have to do this. So we did this during COVID, kind of a 5K walk individually. And so it was a little bit different but we did have prizes. And we didn’t have sponsors but we had at least 75 folks involved who were willing to be ‑‑
>> Jeanette: Like alumni, parents, teachers, principal, they contributed.
>> Erica: They all contributed and that helped with the prizes. But now that most schools and students are back in person, you still could set this up at your schools and create teams and the team that has the most can get the prize and you can charge $25 per team. And really 90% of the event was run by the students.
Let’s go to the next slide.
So for this event, we used Office 365 and Canva for our tools. It’s our main channel for communication. And that allows everyone to be on the same page and communicate. And so with there is an event and have an introduction video, they can upload the video to their general channel, and share any reports, and we can also create different channels for each team to communicate in. And we had a staff member involved in each channel to make sure that they had the support they need. And we had student involved in each channel to make sure that they are involved in each of the groups. And so it was I believe not a mix ‑‑
>> Jeanette: Yeah it was a mix because there were teachers involved and some people thought this was adult run and were surprised it was actually student run. It was a really nice experience for everyone involved.
>> Erica: Maybe Daniel could add more about his experience with the 5K event. But it’s definitely a great opportunity for students to learn and then other big tip is using Canva.com. They have ready made graphics and templates you can play with. It’s been such a game changer especially for our events we can make really great fires, we can create many different graphics ‑‑ fliers and create many different graphics and canva has and different templates have helped us gather more people to come to the events.
Next slide.
We’ve shared some ideas so far. We also thought about you can do a junior NAD variety show. How can we earn ‑‑ fund for that?
>> Jeanette: Almost 1,000 on the variety show.
>> Erica: Yes, and that was great. And we are hoping to bring that back. You can also create some videos to get ready for the show. And you can show that during the event and then also do part of it live so you can really mix it up. And a lot of students will tend to come to that and there will be food. And for the show we really played with rehearsal and how we all can get the students together. So what we do is we kind of made groups and so those groups would get into pairs and practice on their own. And then three days before the show we would have a dry run together or maybe perhaps a week before. And so that’s how we planned with our schedule just to save time on meeting together and not having to meet so often.
>> Jeanette: Yeah, he got a lot of money from that. Yeah, the program was planned a month in advance. We had a short meeting following Parliamentary procedure putting together the title, putting together the program and having students suggest ideas, jokes, whatever it might be, do a musical number and the students developed the program so they developed those skills of graphics. And then that week we came together and some students hadn’t had a chance to practice and figured their families would help a little bit or were on athletic teams. It was a lot of fun. I hope we can do it again this year. We hope so because it was great fun.
>> Erica: I think so. We were thinking about hosting the spaghetti night the same day as the variety show. So I it’s definitely going to happen.
We can go to the next slide.
>> Jeanette: I wanted to add another idea. Now you know AJ Bell and junior NAD have similar youth leadership programs and then it was a ASL night because it was different. But it was students coming together at booths and Starbucks or a librarian or a police officer. And bringing in also college students. So they could sort of practice those skills like I want to order a large tea or something and then they would have to sign off on a passport and so then they would go on to the next booth and talk about reporting a crime to the pretend cop. It’s actually an incredible fundraiser. Because there are courses that are offered in ASL at other community colleges and this is an opportunity to partner and collaborate with those schools so there are students that feed ASL practice would come to this kind of fair and set up a passport and it’s an opportunity for them to be in conversation with hearing peers and for the hearing peers to practice their sign language. What do we call it, Deaf world or something?
>> Deaf world? Yeah. If you have a community college northeastern your school that’s offer ‑‑ nearby your school that could be a wonderful collaborative opportunity there.
>> Erica: Definitely. Next slide.
So our tip is to collaborate with sponsors and local community services. And we really encourage you all to do this. Remember in 2012 junior NAD worked with California Association for the Deaf. And I think we hosted like a hamburger night from 5:00 to 7:00 and that really helps students see that we can collaborate, we can collaborate with different organizations and you can see yourself being involved in different organizations as well when you get older. It doesn’t end with junior NAD. And also allows them to see more of other alumni outside doing the work as well.
Let’s go to the next slide. So I hope what we shared so far sparked new ideas
>> Jeanette: We would love to know and we talk about bringing back variety show and bringing back Deaf world night, we would love to hear some ideas from the audience so let’s look at the chat. Alaska it looks like ‑‑
>> Erica: Passport to the Deaf world was an activity. Dan says one idea we were planning to do in the spring. Dan, do you want to turn on your camera.
>> Dan: Hey, everybody. Yeah, this year we have been talking with our outreach department about becoming more family friendly and affordable. We are planning to host a carnival in the spring. We will start pretty small. See how successful it is. Partner with local organizations, community agencies, et cetera. See with a kind of fundraising we can do if it’s successful then next year we are hoping to actually pull in a lot more activities. So the links that were shared in the chat before, we should take them down because they are agencies and organizations in your area that might do things like that and it’s family friendly. Little kids can come out to a carnival. There are rides and clowns and whatever. We are hoping to do that this spring.
>> Erica: Good idea. And good luck to your event. Any other ideas?
>> Jeanette: Hello, Everett.
>> Everett: Hello. We were talking about planning a youth, a Deaf youth day like a 5K. And then during the school day we would have an ASL poetry event and we know that 5Ks outside of what we could host aren’t really cheap. And I’m not sure other experiences with the 5K if we are trying to do it in person like getting a banner and getting prizes and what that looks like. I feel like how do you make that work.
>> Erica: You can get party ribbon. It doesn’t have to be official 5K ribbon. Like the turkey trot. Have you seen? Yeah, you have people donate. Sorry, what did you want to say?
>> Everett: We want to have the opportunity involve ‑‑ the community involved so maybe charging $10 in person or trying to envision that. Any advice?
>> Erica: That’s a great idea. $10 a person for outsiders and then insiders can go for free and then the key thing is how you market it. How you advertise it. You have to really draw in your student’s creativity to make a video that is going to be exciting for people. We did one here in Riverside. It was virtual so it’s different than one in person. It would work differently. But connect ‑‑ we connected with the person on our campus who has lots of experience and so perhaps you have somebody you can tap into.
>> Jeanette: Also it depends your audience is. The hearing community, the Deaf community.
>> I want to invite the signing community in our area.
>> Jeanette: Want to just think about who your audience is and see how much money you can spend and what your goal is, what are you trying to fundraise for.
>> Everett: We want the community to be involved as well as the fundraiser.
>> Jeanette: Some communities are screening for more Deaf events and want more events and you are thinking about you will need someone for registration and for handing out water. So maybe work with a local community college where students are learning ASL and get them involved. And then maybe raise funds for ‑‑ through selling T‑shirts and that could also help. There are some ideas you can think there about what to do. Who is your audience? Where is your location? What schools are in the area, what communities. T shirts.
>> Erica: And do ‑‑
>> Erica: Donations you can have a donation jar there that people can drop in money there.
>> Everett: Thank you so much.
>> Erica: Good luck.
I see Jonathan said something in the chat. I have an idea. Sorry about that. They turn off lights at work, give me one second
>> Jeanette: I can read Jonathan’s chat about ‑‑ Jonathan writes I have an idea I would like to explore. Are there any deaf film festivals around the nation?
>> Erica: I know we used to have a Deaf school film competition. I remember we would charge for admission fees to watch different Deaf films so that’s another idea.
>> Jeanette: Clarifying question, do you mean Deaf film festival, do you mean like ASL films? Or Deaf filmmakers. What are you thinking?
>> Jonathan: I mean, any films that have ASL. Here in Alaska we have a lot of film festivals. Whether there are Deaf actors involved or signing involved but I think that’s a good opportunity to show.
>> Yeah, that’s a great idea. Thank you for sharing.
>> I’m noticing we all have the same shirt. That’s so funny.
>> Jeanette: Think of you in the snow in Alaska.
>> Jonathan: Thank you.
>> Erica: We are going to wrap up soon, but if you have any other ideas, we do have the junior NAD portal. So definitely take advantage of that using your e‑mail and get in the portal and check out the portal and share any ideas that you have. That’s your one stop center to share your ideas and connect with other advisers. I definitely feel we can get richer by sharing ideas there.
>> Jeanette: Yeah, speaking of someone who has been an adviser for almost 20 years, fundraising is always a topic we talk about because obviously it’s so important to our activities and we want to preserve and archive all of the information and the junior NAD portal hopefully will be helpful so that people don’t have to reinvent the wheel basically because they will be able to see what people have done before.
>> Definitely.
>> Jeanette: All kinds of resources are available. Please do take time perusing the portal and if you have more ideas share them with Chanel so she ‑‑ with Chanel she can add them. And with that I think we will turn it over to Chanel to close out our evening.
>> Chanel: Thank you so much. I feel so inspired by the end of every junior NAD webinar session. You know it’s not just you’re offering to the advisers but also like what is happening with your junior NAD chapters. I don’t always know and not always linked in intimately. Thank you so much for mentioning the junior NAD portal. If anybody out there doesn’t have the link, please get with me and I will make sure that you have access to that portal. It’s going to be there. We are adding resources as we go. Including all of these recordings of the webinar sessions. So they are all going to be in the portal if you forgot something that was discussed or happen to miss the webinar night, you can watch that we also have a Google folder fairly similar so you can go in either way but the portal actually has a bit more interactivity so the features are more interactive on the portal.
I want to thank the two of you for presenting and then I have a couple of announcements to make before we wrap up for this evening.
We are getting closer to YLC. The deadline for applications is approaching. It’s January 15. That’s just next month so please remind folks February 1 is already too late. So we did move it to January 15th. And we moved it in order to allow people more time to fundraise. So encourage your students to get those applications in and even if maybe the students aren’t sure if they want to go because of financial constraints they should go ahead and apply the application is free. So they should go ahead and apply and then we will help you with fundraising, whether it’s fundraising old school or figuring out some sort of VR help or local foundations that can support students. There are a lot of different ways to get that money in the bank so please encourage your students to apply and consider going to YLC.
Our next webinar is going to be on January 17th. And it’s Lindsay Darnell, Jr., who will be presenting on junior NAD adviser’s roles and expectations. How can you be the best possible role model for your students. That will be the webinar we will look forward to next month and look forward to seeing you all. I want to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and happy new year. We will see you soon. Thank you for joining. Good night.
We know that raising money isn’t easy, let alone hosting an event. However, when working in a team, the whole fundraising process can be FUN. Erica Hossler and Jeanette Zarembka, long time advisors from the California School for the Deaf Riverside, will share fundraising ideas and successes that their Jr. NAD chapter has had. If your Jr. NAD chapter has goals that they need money for, this is the webinar for you! All Jr. NAD Advisors and school organization/club sponsors are welcome.
- DATE: Tuesday, December 6th at 7 pm ET
- No CEUs will be offered for this webinar
- This is a free webinar that requires registration.