Webinar Materials
>> Hello. Good evening. Good afternoon or good evening wherever you are.
My name is Chanel Bonheyo, director of youth programs at NAD and I’m very excited to have our second Webinar for Junior NAD advisors academy. The purpose is to allow us to discuss different topics so as Junior NAD advisors or sponsors we can use this new information and resources to encourage our youth.
Tonight’s Webinar is going to be recorded and the purpose of this is to archiving this information and build a Junior NAD library so future advisors who are new and haven’t had access to this information just yet have access to this library so they can keep up with these topics. We’re going to be hosting a myriad of different monthly Webinars and continue to add them to this library. Because of this recording, we want to make sure that we please keep our cameras off and that we remain muted. We want to avoid any interruptions. Unless you’re a presenter or a presenter calls on you to share your camera, go ahead and please remain from doing so unless called on.
The presenters will share their cameras soon. So we recommend that you set your Zoom settings to hide nonparticipant videos. That way you’re not going to see a bunch of empty boxes with names so that the participants who are sharing their cameras or the presenters are as big as possible on your screen.
We do have voice interpreters and if you do need closed captioning, go ahead and click on that CC button that you see at the button. We also have a separate link for a StreamText and it’s going to be shared in the chat here in a moment.
I am done with my housekeeping intros and I’m happy to invite our presenters tonight, Johanna and Dominic. Please come up.
>> Johanna: Hello.
>> Chanel: The floor is yours.
>> Johanna: Fantastic. I’ll go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Johanna Scherling. I’m in No. school for the deaf Junior NAD advisor chapter. So I’m really excited to be here for this evening. Let me go ahead and do an imagine description.
I have a black shirt on with some glasses. My hair is tied in the back. My background is white, and a bottom of a painting is visible at the top of my screen as well.
>> Dominic: Hi, everybody. Good evening. I’m Dominic Harrison. And in fact, I am a twin so some of you might think I look like somebody else you’ve met but I am Dominic. So I’m in front of sort of a beige colored wall. I have kind of an orange peach colored shirt. I am a black ‑‑ light black skinned man and I am serving as the media coordinator for Junior NAD board.
>> Johanna: Excellent. Next slide, please.
So our objectives for this evening are to talk about how we empower our youth to run an effective meeting, a productive meeting. And how we can do that.
>> Dominic: You might be thinking about the leadership weekend retreat which many people have gone to and have had a wonderful time, very beneficial. And then they wonder how are they going to apply what they’ve learned back home and how students can understand the different roles that are needed to run an effective meeting. And that’s part of what we want to accomplish tonight.
>> Johanna: Next slide, please.
>> Dominic: So now it is poll time. We are going to ask you how often your own Junior NAD chapter runs their meetings informally, without any particular parliamentary procedure. Dude it a few times? Is it half the time? Most of the time? Or, in fact, always? The poll’s going to come up and please go ahead and answer that question.
>> Everybody had chance to weigh in?
All right. Next slide, please.
>> Dominic: Oh, sorry, those are the results. Okay. So it looks like 47 percent of you said a few times. 27 percent said about half the time. 13 percent said most of the time. And 13 percent said always. Okay, so we’ve got a real variety here. That’s great to see.
>> Johanna: There’s a variety much meeting settings that can happen. How do we decide which one fits best for the meetings we have in Junior NAD? In the next slide I’m going to expand a bit more on those options. We’ve got formal and informal. They both have pros. For formal there is a clear list of business that’s going to be discussed in the agenda, maybe some voting and decision making. Informal, it’s a casual informal meeting. Maybe a little bit more collaborative, discussing the details of an event. Maybe the chair of that event or that committee is going to be running the meeting but a bit more casual. We have these two distinctions. The reasons why we would use either depend.
Next slide, please.
>> So now we’ve got these two categories, a formal or informal meeting. But you might be wondering about parliamentary procedure. Never you fear, we do have some tips to share with you and it’s actually very short and sweet and easy for Junior NAD members to keep in mind. The most important thing that you do at the beginning of your school year is set your goals. Don’t wait until halfway through the year, November, December or January. That’s too late. You want to really get those goals set in your mind and everybody on the same page in August and September.
And that’s going to guide the work that you’re going to do.
And so we encourage you to do that annually.
>> Johanna: Yes, and I do want to add that with the leadership retreat weekend that happens, I highly encourage you to take that weekend to focus on what’s going to happen throughout the year. And those timelines to make sure that parliamentary procedure can be followed.
The student leaders feel that it is much more beneficial to be able to focus on those things and keep their eye on the prize for the remainder of the year. So having that set up is really helpful.
>> Dominic: And I’ll just add onto that. That leadership retreat weekend is an amazing opportunity for people to see each other face‑to‑face and whether it’s formal or informal, you can navigate it ‑‑ those kinds of meetings more easily once you’ve gone through the training, once you know who you’re dealing with. It’s always a little bit rocky in the beginning and then it smooths out. That’s been my experience. Next slide, please.
>> Johanna: So the goal of parliamentary procedure can depend. Sometimes parliamentary procedure can feel so serious. Sometimes you can be a little more flexible though. The real goal is to set a clear agenda of business that must be discussed to guide the meeting and guide the discussions that are happening. Once that meeting ‑‑ the agenda is set, it can be discussed with the president and rest of the board to make sure no edits need to be made and then the meeting can happen and sent to the secretary for meeting minutes. Once the meeting starts, you can pick one person to be the sergeant of the meeting to monitor the run of the meeting and how it’s happening to make sure folks are interrupting each other and there is an overlapping conversation and that folks are on track. This helps fair turn taking to happen and clear discussion. And so time allowances for each business item are also important and it also is important to have assignments of who will inn discussing which item. Who is going to be running this event once the person has been assigned to that they can lead a discussion on that. What kind of due dates does this person need to keep in mind? And so this kind of planning allows for the more important discussion to happen during the meeting.
Sometimes voting needs to happen during meetings. Sometimes discussion and voting needs to happen and sometimes it’s just voting. And so all of this information and what the goals are for the meeting is really important to keep in the agenda. It guides the whole meeting. It reduces need for interruptions and overlapping and confusion and this reduction of those confusions allow for a more productive and smooth meeting. All these things are really important.
>> Dominic I’ll just add to that in terms of once you get used to that rhythm and then it will be really clear. When you get to the state association or national association meeting, different chapters, once everybody knows that same structure it means all of those meetings run more effectively.
>> Johanna: Absolutely. I agree. Next slide.
>> Dominic: Some of you have probably been to these kinds of meetings and you know there are different roles people play. I want to do a brief overview. A president who presides over the meeting. They know the agenda. They have hopefully worked with the secretary who is going to be taking the notes to create the minutes and there will be old and new business that then may carry over to the next meeting. They will be tracking that. The vice president is there to support the president as needed. The vice president steps in and presides over the meeting if the president needs to step out for some reason. There is, of course, a treasurer. Their job is to maintain an eye on the finances and the organization. And so that’s when fundraisers are happening. The chairs of those various events have to be in touch with the treasurer to work out all those logistics and finally there’s the role of member which is actually very important. Somebody might be a chairperson of an event or sergeant of a meeting or stand up and say something during the meeting and be very participatory and everybody works as a team to make that happen.
>> Johanna: Absolutely. I also want to add that for treasurer, the treasurer would know how much is in our balances, what kinds of things are owed. The secretary will also be able to refer back to past meeting minutes and those skills apply for real life. So it’s really a beneficial experience and these kinds of supports for all of the board members are integral to the organization and for all of our personal lives.
Next slide.
There are some standard items that stay on agendas. We took this from our meetings that Dominic and I are a part of. We first had a roll call to note take who is here, who is missing. We start the meeting. We will share the agenda, make sure that that is ready and make sure that is visible during the meeting as well as the secretary having a copy and adding information to the agenda. Go ahead and walk through the agenda, discuss any business that needs to be brought back up from previous meetings, might that be updates or events. And then new ideas and motions can be made. We’ll talk about motions a little bit later in our Webinar tonight.
Then we’ve got announcements. We’ve got announcements, sharing new information, any updates, and then we’ll adjourn the meeting.
>> Dominic: And sometimes time might be limited and therefore you can set timelines in the agenda to be very clear about how much time you’re going to spend on something, even something such as lunch and sometimes roll call can be done in more efficient ways. Somebody’s there to support the president they can say roll call has been taken as people were coming into the room or what have you. And there are different ways that ‑‑ different strategies that people use to use their time more effectively. Again it’s all about transparency.
>> Johanna: Absolutely. There might be some other local organizations that we want to promote for our membership so that’s often where those will come up during the announcement section.
All right. Next slide.
>> Dominic: Okay. So this slide has a series of rings and it is entitled steps to handle motions. The first time I went to one of these meetings I felt lost but I quickly learned ‑‑ oh, sorry. That was my pet. Wants a little bit of love from me. Okay. So what happens first is a member will make a motion. And remember that board folks are also members. Not the president because they’re presiding over the meeting but anybody else is considered a garden variety member who can make a motion at that time. Then there might be a second for that motion. The chair will restate the motion, and the floor will be open for discussion and a vote will be called and the outcome would be announced. So you might have seen people sign the sign second after a chair’s recognized somebody. And then they’ll go ahead and talk about what that motion is. As we said, the president will restate that motion, make sure that everybody understands it, had a discussion about it, and many motions will call for 2/3 of the vote or simple majority vote depending on the type and then you can vote on it and it’s over. It doesn’t have to be overly complicated. These are the six steps of handling motions so I encourage you to think about your chapter and what’s going to work for your chapter. This is one methodology. Next slide, please.
>> Johanna: We do have some examples. Before we move on, I know that we tend to see leaders expanding a lot about why went certain decisions to be made or certain things like that. We want one simple sentence. It’s hard. We got to practice it, right? One simple sentence about what this motion is. Then once it is seconded, then that expansion and that more thorough detail unloading can happen. So once the motion is made, needs to be kept simple, shorter sentence, takes practice, I’ll say again, and then the discussion can happen after this motion is seconded. And we can see the difference here on the slide of these different kinds of motion.
For our Junior NAD chapter we’re hosting a 5K. So the motion would say I move to discuss and vote for the Junior NAD chapter to host a 5K in May of 2023. Then someone would second it and then we would go to the second bullet and say I move to discuss ideas.
So there are three different ways of presenting a discussion, just a discussion or just a vote and you have to include that in your language of the sentence.
So that third example would be I move to vote on the Junior NAD event to host the food drive event which would skip the discussion portion of it. So it has to be clear with the leaders of the meeting about if we are discussing, voting, both. Some situations don’t really require a discussion. Folks have already ruminated on these topics before the meeting. Maybe they were sent materials. So these kinds of motions depend on the situation. If there was no discussion made in the motion but someone disagrees and the motion fails, then oftentimes emotion will happen after the fact. Then again if the motion is made the president must restate it and then move to a vote or a second. And a discussion would cause for more expansion.
>> The goal of course is everybody understands what is happening at the same time, that everybody’s on the same page and they’re ready to discuss and they’re ready to vote. It’s easier for the president to preside over that meeting once everybody is on the same page.
It is effective.
>> Johanna: Definitely.
>> Dominic: Next slide.
We’ve got here some rules of thumb about amendments. Again, Amendments can be proposed by somebody who would like to add some information or maybe omit some information from an original motion. So on the previous slide, for example, where someone said I move to vote for Junior NAD to host a food drive in December of 2022 and somebody wants to make an Amendment to that motion to take out December of 22 and replace it with January of 23. So the president would recognize the person who wants to make an Amendment. It requires a second before it can go forward and then you vote on the Amendment. That’s a 2/3 vote. Then you go back to the main motion as it has now been amended. It now reads as January 2023 because that Amendment was voted on and approved and you sort of start over again with the sentence as it is now written and then it goes forth from there discussion mode. Again, sort of simple, sort of sweet. People get a little bit confused at times. Once you understand the process it is really effective and efficient in terms of running through your meeting. You know there might have been a discussion about when this food drive should happen and people felt it should happen in November or December or January or whatever it might be. There might be a conversation about that. And then maybe they’ll say we don’t actually know when it should happen but it should happen either in November or December. That’s a possible solution to that conundrum and if everybody agrees to it that’s how it would be written. Next slide.
>> Johanna: Important things to consider. It’s so easy to get distracted and go in segues and side bars. Before we were talking about parliamentary procedure we were jumping around to a little bit new topic so we were adding some sidebars and making side comments but the parliamentary procedure forces us to focus specifically on one item of business. We can’t go on side bars. We can’t bring up new ideas in the middle of a motion in the middle of a business item. Those need to be added at the end. This makes sure that we are kept on track, that he with all have the opportunity to speak. If folks are wanting to propose new ideas or to add something to the meeting then queue must be made so folks have an appropriate turn. Everyone’s opinions and ideas are important so we need to make sure we acknowledge those. Another great role of the surgeon is to force us all to make sure we are being fair with the turn taking and that we are respecting each other’s time. I know sometimes if we get a little chatty, distracted, it causes time to not be a priority. And it’s important that we make sure we neat the business goals of the meeting and that everyone has an opportunity to discuss. We also want to make sure we’re honoring the time frames that are assigned to each business item.
>> And isle add, don’t for get that obviously some chapters are small, some chapters are big and so we would very much recommend that when you limit the queue, the people who can come up to the stage to speak in support or against a specific motion, you want to read the room and have a sense of how many people ought to be allowed to speak. Usually it’s a limit of three people each side, but if the president, you know, can tell whether the room is broadly in support or broadly against a motion, that can help them run the meeting more efficiently as well.
>> Dominic: Absolutely. Next slide.
So this what you see on the slide is a PDF of what we’re calling the cheat sheet. It’s a couple of pages long. And it’s just given different columns, actions, what to say, whether or not speakers can be interrupted, whether or not something needs a second and so forth.
>> Johanna. This. Is kind of like a shortcut document. Sometimes parliamentary procedures can be really complicated or very unique scenarios coming up in your meeting. This cheat sheet is going to help you approach those events with ease. If there is a postponement or anything that doesn’t happen very often in your chapter, this will help you to navigate those scenarios while following the parliamentary procedures. And we’re going to send this out to all the participants here.
We encourage advisors to keep this and of course it should be the property of the chapter. So whether or not you move on an advisor or the next advisor should have it. So create a binder for the good of the chapter.
>> Johanna: Absolutely.
>> Dominic: Next slide, please.
>> Johanna: All righty. It’s of time for some fun. So we’re going to have a little practice session and I really do mean you all get to practice. We’re going to have a breakout room. We’ve got a good number of people here. So we’re going to have a breakout room. So go ahead and join the one that you’re going to be invited to. Some will be staying here in the main room. Some will be moving to a breakout room. There will be assigned roles. There will be a mock president, secretary, and the rest of usually board members. We will each join a room to make sure that you all have the support you need. You’ll go ahead and make some motions. And we’re going to send out a message to all the participants to tell you what the motion should be and then you’ll follow the steps that follow a motion. And then you’ll see how you felt about it. Did it feel tricky? Was it confusing? Did you feel it was a piece of cake? So let’s see what happens when we all practice. So we’ll go ahead and do that. Did you want to add anything, Dominic?
>> Dominic: Yeah, I do.
This is an opportunity for you to make revisions to the motion. We want to you have the experience. What is it like to amend a motion? What is it like to second a motion? What is it like to place a motion entirely? We don’t want to you make it so easy you don’t jump to vote because in the real world you might have trickier situations arise. So we want you to really practice with those tricky situations now.
>> All right, now keep out your eyes for invite to join a breakout room.
>> I think has everybody moved on to ‑‑ yeah, I think we’re good, right? Let me just double‑check that is right, that everybody has gone to breakout room one who needs to be there.
I’m going to ask you to turn on your videos now because we are a smaller group.
Oh, hey. I have not seen you in a long time.
Is anybody else able to turn on their videos?
Hello, hello. Gotcha, gotcha.
>> I think there should be quite a fewer of us.
>> And Elise, which school are you at? ASD. I’m at ASD.
>> Carla is saying: Oh, yes, I think I remember seeing ought a different school. Okay, great. Glad you’re there.
>> Go ahead and turn on your cameras the rest of you who are ‑‑ oh, hello Brenda.
>> Got it.
>> Hi Melissa.
>> Amanda, where are you from?
>> I’m from Montana.
>> I think we’ve got some other folks who still have their videos off so go ahead and turn on your videos if you’re able to.
Okay. The I’m just cognizant of the time. We don’t have that much sometime so here’s what we’re going to do.
We’re going to show you a motion. We’re going to assign the roles. So Elise, I’m going to call you the president for the purpose of this exercise if that’s okay.
>> All righty.
>> Dominic: And Brenda, will you be the secretary for us, please?
>> Got my pen ready.
>> Dominic: Fantastic.
So the rest of us are going to be members who are going to be wordsmithing this motion. So Carla, Melissa, John, you know, we just put the motion into the chat so that’s the motion we’re going to be working on. That’s the topic rather that we’re going to be working on. We’re going to try and follow parliamentary procedure. So let’s go ahead and start that meeting.
Everybody see the message? Starts with I move.
>> Brenda is asking where can I see that?
>> It’s in the chat. If you open ‑‑ you see the chat.
>> Let me see here. Got it.
>> Yeah, you’re good. Elise, if you would go ahead and start the meeting. Follow parliamentary procedure. Present this motion.
>> Elise: Does anyone have the agenda ready? Just kidding. Okay, let’s see. Hmm. So do we have any motions? Anything happening? The floor is open.
>> Dominic: Carla, would you like to go ahead and make that motion.
>> Yes. This is Carla, I have a motion.
>> Elise: Go ahead.
>> Carla: Hello president Elise. I move to discuss and vote on hosting a fundraiser event in November.
>> Elise: Does anyone second Carla’s motion?
>> Melissa seconds.
>> Elise is saying we have a second. Thank you Melissa.
>> Dominic: Elise, now as the president, you can say the floor is open for discussion.
>> All right. The floor is open for discussion.
>> Carla: I want to give my rationale. The reason I want us to host a fundraiser is because we need money for YLC. I’d like us to get up to more like $3,500 and I think the fundraiser will get us over the finish line.
>> Yes. I agree with what Carla has just shared. It is an expensive event and I’m just wondering what kind of fundraiser Carla has in mind. What are we going to do here?
>> This is Melissa. I’m wondering maybe we can do some kind of raffle drawing, you know, maybe a little bit before November. Something in regards ‑‑ like a turkey raffle. Something in regards to holidays.
>> Elise: That’s a great idea.
>> I would like to propose an amendment to this motion. I propose to amend it by changing ‑‑ sorry, by adding a 50/50 raffle at the end of that sentence, the fundraising, a 50/50 fundraising event in November.
>> Melissa: I second.
>> I see a second.
>> Brenda: Yes, can you restate the sentence? I think the president needs to restate their sentence.
>> So I move ‑‑ yeah, this is an amendment. I move to add the words 50 slash 50 raffle. Right before the word fundraiser event.
>> Brenda: I got it. I’ve note contained it.
>> Okay. So Elise, can you restate the ‑‑ with the amendment as suggested?
>> Oh, boy. Okay. So Dominic proposed for a 50/50 raffle fundraiser. All those in favor of the amendment?
>> It’s just an amendment.
>> Okay. All those in favor of the Amendment?
>> Carla’s got your happened ‑‑ oh, no, you’re voting. Good grief.
>> Only the president can vote on it.
>> Carla: Is John going to vote?
>> I’m not sure if John is frozen.
>> Hi, Elise. So we voted. Has it passed? So we’ve got ‑‑ yeah, I think we have. It has passed.
>> So then we go back to the main motion. So Carla’s main motion but now it has that additional language in it. The additional language was just voted on and passed so now we go back to the full sentence.
>> All right. Good grief. Okay.
>> Melissa: You can look at the chat to help you.
>> Yeah, Elise, look at the chat. You can look at the language is already there.
>> Elise: It does?
>> Yeah, should be in the chat. I can see the language in the chat if you can open up your chat window.
>> Elise: You want me to read it, type it? I’m confused.
>> Maybe Melissa explain again.
>> Chanel just wrote it in the chat so you can just read it from what Channel wrote.
Okay, so it says Carla moves to discuss and vote on hosting a fundraiser event in November.
Is that right Melissa?
All right. Thank you and so Dominic proposed to amend to that to add the language 50 slash 50 raffle to the fundraiser.
Is that right? The 5050 fundraiser.
>> And I second that.
>> I second.
>> Brenda okay, Dominic second, seconded it.
>> No, I seconded it.
>> Brenda: I have a question.
So Dominic amended. It passed and now went back to the main motion. It has been restated by the president to a motion to discuss and vote on hosting a 50/50 raffle fundraiser event in November. And now do we have to second again?
>> Yes, because we go back to the main motion. It’s like you’re starting all over but it’s slightly different language now.
>> So we need the seconds and then we can vote.
>> Dominic: Right. Once you vote on the amendment it becomes part of the original motion but then we haven’t yet seconded the motion as it has now been amended. So we go back to the main motion as amended and you kind of start all over again that process.
>> All right. I learned something today.
>> It’s easy for the president to track that way. People get sometimes a little bit lost or looking at the original motion, the original motion is amended or just the original piece is amended. It’s always better to go back and have it restated at the current language, currently what it says, whether it’s been amended, whether it’s not, whatever the language might be. So the president will restate it for everybody’s benefit and then it gets seconded and voted on.
So does that feel comfortable for everybody?
So Elise, are you going to call for discussion in maybe somebody disagrees.
>> Okay. Is there any further discussion about this proposal?
>> I have a point. I call the question.
>> Is there a second?
>> Yes.
>> Is there a second to close the discussion and vote? Excuse me, I just woke up from a nap.
>> Melissa is saying ‑‑
>> Now we vote on it, right?
>> So the president, you can ‑‑
>> What you would do then is you would restate the motion. No further discussion but here is the final language of the motion and then people will vote on it.
>> All right. So Carla moved to discuss and vote on hosting a 50/50 fundraiser event in November. Let’s vote.
Oh, we’ve got a lot of hands raised. All right. Looks like there’s four folks who voted in favor. Oh, John joined us. All right. There’s five. That means it’s unanimous.
I saw a message came up that said we only have five minutes left.
>> That’s right.
>> I move to close new business portion of the agenda and move on.
>> Any seconds?
>> I second.
>> All right. The second, seconds business is closed.
>> The president is ‑‑ perhaps the meeting is over. You have to look at the time. Then say the meeting has adjourned at.
>> 8:42 Eastern Standard Time.
>> There you go.
>> Yeah, that’s how well it works. You all got a taste of it. You all understand the motion? It’s a little bit awkward in the beginning.
>> Yes, I was sweating.
>> Dominic: Yeah, that is what it is and, you know, don’t worry about that. It becomes more comfortable, becomes very smooth. It will become rote once you do it a couple times but you should absolutely expect a couple of hiccups in the beginning but by the second or third meeting then it’s going to be really easy for you to advise your Junior NAD folks on how to run the meetings.
Perfect. Carla, do you have a comment?
>> Yeah, I like your style. It’s so clear and it’s clear what point do you want to make. It’s just so easy to follow. I hope that we need to ‑‑ I hope that we can continue to take advantage of this expertise of yours.
>> Dominic, I’m curious, when you meet with Junior NAD, do you run the meeting with a PowerPoint and follow through that way with various slides or how do you remember all of this?
>> Yeah, it’s a good question. It really depends on what kind of a meeting we’re hosting but we have like let’s say a splatter TV or a whiteboard kind of thing and so we’ve used that technology to keep track of that.
>> We do that. We have that too.
>> Or a blackboard if that’s what people have access to. Sometimes a president actually does memorize the agenda which is kind of amazing. Sometimes we’d ask members what ‑‑ which item they want to handle first and have been flexible with the agenda so each meeting can run a little bit differently. It sort of depends on the chapter.
>> Melissa: We use Google drives and Google Docs. All of the officers have access to it. All the members have access to it. Then we share it with admin for approval for different agendas and documents. That helps us a lot as well.
We do have some limited access depending on Metro card. And so when it comes to that, that allows us to be a little bit more flexible with the Google drive in allowing officers to make their own edits to the documents as well. If everyone has access to the information, super easy.
>> Yeah, we use drive as well with that. I hadn’t thought to use it that way. I would encourage you to think about the agenda ahead of time. It’s just that time is so limited and, you know, you would be surprised that you think you might get through it and you might not. So really be diligent about agenda setting.
You might think you have an hour’s worth of business to discuss. The record to this day that I’m aware of was a meeting that was ten minutes. Because everything had been kind of thought about and everybody was clear and ready as to what they were doing and they got to sort of the formal part of the meeting.
Some people really enjoy that and some people want to get through that. So let’s go ahead and have people turn off their cameras since we are back in the main room.
>> Johanna: All right. That was wonderful. That was so great to see all of your faces and have some participation. I know some folks decided not to but it was still wonderful to see who decided to. How did yours go Dominic?
>> Dominic: Exactly. You know, we had some discussions, some Amendments, some changes made. We put a 50/50 raffle into our motion for this fundraising event. We had some fun with it. What did your group end up with?
>> Johanna: We changed the date. We felt that November was too soon for us to appropriately plan for an event of this size so we moved it out a bit.
>> Dominic: So you see there’s no right or wrong answer with Amendments. Some ‑‑ there might be a topic that somebody thinks of that’s actually quite useful to bring to the members to think about. There might be a kind of a fundraising event that you want to delineate specifically what you’re doing. So there can be lots of really good suggestions in Amendments and it’s a time for members to share their ideas.
>> Johanna: Absolutely.
>> Dominic: What with are we doing here?
So this is a Word cloud activity. So I’m going to ask everybody who’s watching the Webinar to type one or maybe two words as to what is necessary to make a meeting run efficiently and smoothly. So go ahead and do it in the chat one or two words, what are the most important ingredients for an efficient meeting.
>> Dominic: Awesome. Great.
So I’m seeing words like practice and we can, transparency, patience. Clear agenda. Examples of parliamentary procedure. Premeetings. Practice and practice. Organized: Empower.
Everybody had a chance to weigh in I’m not sure everybody’s done?
And you’re going to get a copy of this word clout once it’s created so it will hopefully remind you of today’s Webinar.
Oh, I see team work in the chat. Interactive, respect.
Open communication. Creativity. Encouragement.
It’s a time to share those ideas. We’re going to collect all those ideas and put that into the word cloud.
Okay. Next slide, please.
>> Johanna: Yes. So now it’s time for Q&A. Does anybody want to share any of their experiences, ask a question, make a comment? Now is your time.
>> Can I see something?
Often at the conclusion of an event, at the next meeting there will usually be a readout about that event, you know, how much we took in revenuewise, what were some of the highlights of that event. But I think one thing that is missing is a check‑in with feedback. Because sometimes we might celebrate an event and like move on and we might see a pattern of miss steps that are taken and I think it’s because we haven’t really fully dissected the event before we move onto further discussion. So I think sometimes there should be time and agenda for feedback or lessons learned. Because there are events that are very successful which could be models then for other kinds of events. You know, maybe the way that people have done an event. It will save time, I guess, if those lessons learned get passed down. So I think a check‑in about the event will help. So I just want to say I think that’s important.
>> Johanna: Absolutely. Yeah, I think that our society these days has been so fast paced that we haven’t been encouraged to take a moment to reflect. I agree thank you so much, Aaron.
>> Dominic: Yeah and I thank you for sharing that. I would just add I think it’s also build in debriefing time, exactly what you’ve talked about, what works, what didn’t and then we can be more efficient for the next event as it comes down.
I feel like there was somebody else who turned on their camera? Was it Daniel? Yeah, Daniel.
>> Hi there. Wonderful job you two. It’s been really a pleasure to watch. You guys are so easy to follow.
>> I don’t see Daniel. Oh, I found you.
>> Okay. So all I said was wonderful job. It’s been wonderful to watch you both. I’ve got my coffee here. I’m a little energetic today. All right. Two things I wanted to recommend for everybody who’s watching is for the leadership retreat weekend, I know some schools have an easy time with this and some don’t so, for example, California School for the Deaf riverside have one day during the school week. So if the weekend is not possible then ask the administration to allow for a day for the retreat to happen during the school week.
My school at California School for the Deaf free month, we have a PowerPoint the secretary uses. We are paperless now and I know that paper is often boring to the younger generation these days so we use PowerPoint slides and it’s easier for us to keep those saved and archive. So that’s another way that the secretary can function in these meetings.
>> Fantastic. Thank you.
Was it Don who wanted to be next? Hello, Don. Don crossman, I think I misspelled that the first time.
>> I arrived to the meeting just a little tiny bit late and I might have missed this. Apologies if I did. At conferences there are two delegates and two observers generally right? So we’ve got about 15 or 16 let’s say in our chapter. Everybody else misses out on that experience of going to conference. Is there any possible way we could, I don’t know, set up some way that everybody could have this experience rather than just the two delegates and the two observers? I want, you know, everybody to be on the same page. It’s maybe food for thought or just a question to pose.
>> Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.
>> I would say contact your regional liaison. What region are you in?
>> I’m in Rochester New York.
>> That’s region one. I would contact your regional representatives.
>> Sure, I can do that.
>> Maybe not the national conference but the regional get togethers, see if that might work for you.
>> Good to know. Thank you so much.
>> I don’t know if there’s anybody else in cue who wants to ask a question?
>> We don’t bite. Johanna and I don’t bite. We are friendly.
Yeah, if you don’t want to turn on your camera, Daniel asked if you can type here. That’s totally fine.
Oh, I see.
>> Johanna: Go ahead and type your name, where you’re from so we can know who is representing today. That’s what Daniel’s asking in the chat. So go ahead and do that.
Daniel I see is from the California school of deaf in Fremont. Heather is from Murry school from the deaf. Carla is from wiz school for the deaf. Jonathan is also from wiz. Melissa’s from Lexington school for the deaf in New York. Nadene, Pennsylvania. Tommy from Rochester. Brenda from Montana. Denna from Missouri. Aaron from Texas. Dawn from Rochester and Nadene said yes, Philly. In Pennsylvania. Right. Right. All right.
Elise is saying this is random but when is the regional meeting.
Do you know when that is Dominic?
>> Dominic: I don’t but I would encourage you to be in touch with your regional representatives so they can get in touch ASAP and then you can get that done.
>> Elise is from American school for the deaf. Scott is from wiz with outreach services.
>> Dominic. And there’s another comment from Laura, is the parliamentary the same as the general association? Do the youth need to follow special rules for youth? That’s a really good question, Laura. I’m going to say it depends on the situation.
At the beginning association we absolutely follow parliamentary procedure. Again we want the youth leaders to know how that works so that when they grow into adults they’ll have that background.
>> Johanna: Right. So organizations tend to have their own bylaws which are rules that they follow, certain procedures they follow. It allows for that expansion of what the structure of the organization looks like. So in the youth programs are going to be learning the basics of this and then later on when they join bigger, more formal organizations they will have that foundation to understand what to expect. So I think it depends on the organization or the association and their various chapters.
>> Yeah, the Junior NAD meets every two years on the national level and they follow parliamentary procedure a hundred percent. There’s no wiggle room there. The delegates get trained on how to do that. And it looks like Scott has raised a hand. Scott, did you want to turn on your camera?
>> It I see someone’s asking a question.
Oh, hi.
This is Scott, yes. I am wondering specifically about the youth. Are there any kind of virtual workshops or Webinars for students to be able to watch and learn? You know, I’m trying to share as many resources as possible about various schools and programs so that folks have the opportunities to learn this stuff and not only for Junior NAD members. I want to make sure we’re expanding our membership body. I think we can do this through workshops and other resources for learning. I know back in the day was sparse and if is becoming a bit more common. So I’m finding a lot of opportunities for youth and I’m trying to figure out how we can grow our own membership body so we can make sure those folks are educated on these topics.
>> Right. Yeah, so these workshops are for the advisors or for the adults and later on we are ‑‑ we do plan to have some student centered Webinars and youth leaders lead those and I think that’s a great idea we should make sure we get a move on with that.
>> Dominic: I don’t have anything to add to that but I will say that since I’m working as the media coordinator for the national level, national Junior NAD, you know, developing materials and resources for youth not just from adults but from peers. So youth to youth can be very effective. So I think that’s a great idea.
>> Absolutely.
>>Chanel: I see we’re running out of time, folks. I’m so happy to see there has been lots of opportunity for interaction. That really was our goal tore tonight and our monthly meetings. So I see that you are all asking about who’s on the board for the regional organization and I’m going to be sending out some information about that soon to talk about those regional meetings. I do have a few announcements. First I would like to thank so much to Johanna and Dominic. This is a fantastic Webinar. I can see all of our participants agree as well. Thank you again. I’m sure the Junior NAD advisors have a newfound readiness for when these meetings are going to happen. And what that spectrum of formal to informal looks like. I’ve seen some meetings that happen in ten minutes. Some maybe not. So thank you again so much to both of you.
>> I do have two quick things I want to say before we wrap up. First being next month’s Webinar is going to be focusing on fundraising. That is November 15th. I think it is 6:30 or 7:00. I’m going to send out the details soon and if you haven’t filled out the Junior NAD membership form please do that as soon as possible. We want to make sure we have an updated list by November. If you are going to be late that’s totally fine. Just keep us in the loop.
That’s about it. That wraps up tonight. Thank you so much to everybody for watching and have a good evening.
>> Thank you. Good night.
>> Good night.
>> Recording stopped.
Cheat Sheet
Word Cloud

This workshop will explore how our young leaders can run effective meetings in formal and informal settings. Dominic and Johanna will share parliamentary procedure tips, including what each officer’s role and expectations are. This interactive workshop will allow participants to experience what a successful meeting could look like! After the webinar, participants will receive a tip sheet to share with their student leaders.
- DATE: Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, 8 – 9 PM EST
- No CEUs will be offered for this webinar
- This is a free webinar that requires registration.