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2025 YLC Camper Agreement/ Contract

  • Deadline: February 26, 2025

  • Fecha límite: 26 de febrero de 2025

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  • Camper Agreement

  • Publicity Release:

    During the camp session, we will include information about the NAD Youth Leadership Camp (NAD YLC) program and the activities your child is doing on NAD website and social media. These posts will keep you informed and involved in your child’s camp experiences. With my signature on the Publicity Release agreement, I give permission to include my child’s name, photo, and video, with identification on the NAD website and in media coverage about the NAD YLC program and its campers during and after the session.

  • OPTIONAL: We highly encourage you to let us know as this will help us write our image and video description accurately.

  • Liability:

    I give my child permission to participate in all NAD YLC Camp activities, both on and off camp property, whether by foot or by vehicle, including, without limitation, rafting, hiking, backpacking, camping, canoeing, rope courses, and swimming.

  • Lost/Stolen Policy:

    The NAD YLC is not responsible for your child’s lost or stolen items including hearing aid(s), phone(s), glasses, camera(s), jewelry, and money. We discourage your child from bringing anything valuable to the YLC. We will have a bank at the camp to secure your child’s money. If your child brings his/her phone or other technology equipment, it will be kept in the Camp Director’s office until the end of the camp session. I understand and agree that the NAD YLC is not responsible for any items that my child brings to YLC and ends up being lost or stolen.

  • Refund Policy:

    Refund Policy:

    The NAD YLC reserves the right to withdraw your child’s acceptance to the camp session if there is a disciplinary incident prior to the start of the camp session. Should this happen, there will be a partial refund of the tuition fee at a flat rate of $1,000.

    If the camper is dismissed during the camp session due to disciplinary reasons and sent home before the end of the camp session, there will be no refund. The camper or their family will be responsible to cover any and all air and ground transportation expenses from the Portland International Airport to their home that arise as a result of early dismissal. In addition, the camper or their family are responsible for the entire financial cost of any property damage caused by the camper’s actions.

    The NAD YLC $4,000 tuition fee is not refundable except in cases of emergency, such as a medical emergency (with written explanation from the physician) or death in the family. If such an emergency or family death occurs after the camp session begins and necessitates early departure, refunds for this early departure will be applied at a rate of $20 per day for the number of days remaining in the camp session. The initial deposit of $100 is nonrefundable.

    All campers must arrive on the designated start date. The program is designed for each day to build on the day before and no days can be missed. Even in cases of an emergency, we will not accept campers arriving late and there will be no tuition refund except under the above described conditions.

    The camper and their family are ultimately responsible for full payment of tuition, despite other sources making payments (i.e. vocational rehabilitation, charities, deaf clubs, etc.). The camper or his/her/their family will not be refunded their “deposit” payments until after the other entities have paid in full.

    Failure to pay at least $100 by 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 will result in denial of admission to YLC this summer.

    Any request for flexibility in payment must be communicated by February 26, 2025 to Claudia Giordano, NAD Director of Youth Programs at [email protected], and is not guaranteed for approval but subject to review by the NAD.

  • Tuition Payment Agreement:

    You have two options: (1) pay in full for the amount of $4,000 or (2) pay in four installments as seen below:

    • (A) The first portion of $1,500 NAD YLC Camp Fee must be received on or before April 1, 2025
    • (B) The second portion of $1,500 NAD YLC Camp Fee must be received on or before May 1, 2025
    • (C) The third portion of $900 NAD YLC Camp Fee must be received on or before June 1, 2025.

    My child will be attending the 2025 NAD Youth Leadership Camp. I agree to pay at least $1,500 by April 1, 2025 and make a full payment of the full $4,000 tuition fee by June 1, 2025. If my child’s school or sponsor is covering a portion of the fee, I agree that it is my primary responsibility to pay the full tuition fee if my child’s school or sponsor does not cover a portion of the fee.

  • Camper Contract

  • I understand that the following applies to me as a camper:
  • I understand that I will face immediate dismissal for the following violations:
    1. Illegal drugs and alcohol are not permitted on or off the campgrounds. Possession of any of those will result in immediate dismissal. Any possession of such substances may also be reported to the police pursuant to legal requirements.
    2. No sexual activities are permitted. Violation of this rule will result in immediate dismissal.
    3. Any type of tobacco products (such as cigarettes) and electronic vaping devices are not permitted on or off the campgrounds. Violation of this rule will result in immediate dismissal.
    4. Campers are not permitted to leave the campsite without permission at any time. Violation of this rule will result in immediate dismissal.

  • I understand that I will face probable dismissal for the following violations:

    1. Breaking a major regulation (not limited to the above mentioned) or a local, state or federal law.
    2. Displaying concerning or violent behavior toward self, camper, or staff member.
    3. A series of irresponsible actions over a period of time such as repeated absences from assigned activities, repeated warnings, abuse of camp facilities, or disrespect for staff and/or campers.
  • I understand that I will face varying levels of discipline including possible dismissal for the following violations:

    1. Campers are not allowed to enter cabins other than their own.
    2. Campers are forbidden from engaging in bullying and all behavior or expression that can be viewed as intolerant or a form of hate.
    3. Campers may not bring or use selfie sticks at any time during camp, and may not use cameras during camp classes, workshops, and activities.
    4. The kitchen area is restricted to meal times. Campers are not permitted in the kitchen at any other time except when it is their turn to clean the kitchen.
    5. Campers are expected to be on time for every camp event.
    6. Any time a camper is not able to be somewhere they are expected to be, permission must be obtained in advance from a staff member.
    7. Campers are not allowed to enter the administration building at any time.
    8. Campers are not allowed throughout the YLC session, whether on or off campgrounds, to change their appearances such as through ear piercings, hair dyes, haircuts, and tattoos.
  • I have read the above and understand my responsibilities as a camper at NAD YLC. I understand that the Camp Director, with NAD Director of Youth Programs’ approval, has sole discretion to make any decisions in the best interest of NAD YLC that may affect campers and may make different rules that supersede the above.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I have read the camper contract and understand my responsibilities as a parent or guardian of my child who is a camper at NAD YLC. I understand that the Camp Director has sole discretion to make any decisions in the best interest of NAD YLC that may affect my child and may make rules that supersede what is written in the camper contract.
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I also understand that if my child violates any of the NAD YLC rules, they will receive appropriate consequence(s) from the Camp Director. I also understand that the consequence(s) might include immediate dismissal. I agree that I will accept full responsibility for my child in such a situation and that I will pay extra charges for the flight ticket, if applicable. If I am not at home at the time, I give permission for my child to be sent to the person(s) listed below:
  • Upon signing this contract, I understand that in the event my child violates any part of this agreement that warrants immediate dismissal, my child will be sent home within 24 hours of the determination of violation. If I cannot be reached, I give my permission for the Camp Director to contact the person above and make arrangements for my child to be sent to the alternative location that I have identified.
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY