Jr. NAD Bylaws
Download the Bylaws (as of 10/22/2014)
Jr. NAD Slogan
Joining nourishes adult development.
Jr. NAD Motto
Promoting the tomorrow of all the deaf by working with the deaf youth of today.
Jr. NAD Creed
We believe:
That Junior NAD program is the outstanding textbook helper of the school;
That Ultimate educational goals are attainable through motivation;
That National competition and recognition promote maximum excellence;
That Initiative is the best vehicle for realization of maximum potential;
That Opportunities for total development are greater in group situations;
And that Resourcefulness and enthusiasm make a more complete deaf person.
That Never ceasing advocacy strengthens the position of the deaf community;
That Appreciation and respect for nature helps guide an adolescent into becoming a well-rounded leader;
And that Deaf people truly can do anything that they set their minds upon.